59. Royality ?fluff¿

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Soulmate AU (you can't see colour until you kiss your soulmate
Human AU
Highschool AU

Requested by Always_Sad_666
thanks so much for the request!

Until you kiss your soulmate, you are colour blind. Black white and grey. No colour.

Panic attack
Slightly sad Patton
Truth-or-Dare kiss
Swearing (light)
Tell me if I missed anything

"Mom, does this match?" Patton asked.
"Yeah, looks good honey," his mom said smiling. Patton smiled back and grabbed his backpack.
"Thanks, mom! Bye!" He said before leaving.

He skipped into the school and looked around for his friends.
"Virgil!" Patton cried happily seeing his best friend.
"Hey Pat," Virgil smiled.
"Wheres RoRo and Logie?" Patton asked putting his bag in his locker.
"I dunno, probably trying to escape Remus and Janus again," Virgil shrugged.

And on cue

"Help us!" Roman hissed running over, Logan right behind him. "My brother and his slimy boyfriend are after us again!"

"Stand your ground, princey," Virgil said rolling his eyes. "Be brave. You always say you're a prince so act like one,"

"Roman~" Remus sang out skipping over with an evil smirk. Roman hid behind Virgil, who just sighed in disappointment. Patton giggled. When Remus got up to them, Patton put his hands on his hips.

"Remus, leave Roman and Logan alone," he said firmly. "Or you'll be in big trouble,"
"Ok DAD," Remus said rolling his eyes. Patton gave him a slightly angry gaze and Remus spun on his heel to leave quickly. Patton turned to his friends with a bright smile.
"How the hell did you do that?!" Roman cried.
"I stood my ground," Patton said. Virgil snorted and laughed harder when Roman let put an offended gasp.

"Don't laugh at me, emo!" Roman said in a slightly higher pitched voice then normal.
"Sorry, it's just that you're supposed to be the brave one and the youngest and smallest of the group stood up for you because you're scared of your brother," Virgil laughed. Logan let out a soft chuckle.

"Shut up, nerdy wolverine!" Roman whined.
"It's ok, RoRo, just ignore them," Patton giggled. "So, the sleepover at my house tonight, you guys ready for a fun filled night?"

"That's sounded extremely sexual, Pat," Virgil said chuckling. Patton was confused
"No...no it didn't...?" He muttered.
"A fun filled night?" Roman said smiling. Patton shrugged, still confused

"Oh you innocent little bean," Virgil smiled shaking his head.
"I'm not that innocent," Patton muttered
"Yeah you are, I make so many dirty jokes and you're the only one who doesnt get them," Roman said smiling.
"Whatever, meanies," Patton said with a pout as he crossed his arms.

"Bottom," Roman coughed. Virgil snickered.

Patton felt a bit sad. He didn't like that they were teasing him. But he had to put on a smile and pretend it was all ok.

"Let's get to class," Patton said forcing a smile. He followed his friends to class and sighed softly as he sat down.

The whole day, Patton felt his anxiety getting worse. At last class, it was really loud.

The panic attack was creeping up quickly. Patton stayed still, unable to move or make a sound. He was trembling. Tears started rolling down his cheeks

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