112. pt 2 analogical

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Homophobia and I think that's it

Unfinished chapter
Part 2 of the chapter where Virgi land Logan get separated after Logan moves away

"How have you been the past few years?" Logan asked as he and Virgil walked down the hall together.
"I don't know. Mom and dad have been fighting quite a bit, and Valerie is kind of annoying," Virgil shrugged. "My parents got in a huge fight about moving. Mom didnt want to leave but it was either all move or rarely see dad so,"
"But it lead you to me," Logan smiled. Virgil smiled back and nodded.

"What about you? You still a nerd?" Virgil asked with a teasing grin.
"I wasnt a nerd, I was just smarter then you," Logan teased back. Virgil laughed.

They were so happy to be together again. Things went back to normal. Sleepovers, eating lunch together, hanging out all weekend (though Patton and Roman were often involved in that now)

The only thing that changed was Virgils view of Logan as time went on. He was tall, strong, smart...handsome.

Virgil started to have a crush on his bestfriend since diapers. And he was NOT ready for it, mostly because his dad was homophobic and Virgil was almost positive Logan was straight.

"Hey...Logan?" Virgil asked shyly
"Yeah?" Logan looked at him.
"W-would...would you ever consider dating another guy?" Virgil asked, his face a bit red. Logan sighed.

"I may as well tell you now...I'm actually Bi...I like girls and boys," Logan said softly. Virgil was shocked.
"Really?!" He asked, a bit too excited. "I mean...when did you find out?" Virgil asked, trying to keep his cool.

"Right before I moved away," Logan said, his cheeks going a deep shade of pink. "I kinda...I kind of had a crush on you for a bit, then I moved here and I liked a girl...we dated for a bit but she wasnt a good fit for me,"

Virgils heart was racing. Logan had had a crush on him?!

"Y-you liked me?" Virgil asked softly.
"Yeah..." Logan shrugged a bit, seeming so nervous and shy, almost scared of how Virgil would react.

Virgil moved a bit closer.
"What would you do if I told you I like you?"
"Not be able to hold myself back from kissing you," Logan said after a moment of thought. Virgil smiled, gently holding Logans hand.

"Kiss me, nerd," he smiled, pulling Logan closer. Logan was surprised but happily kissed Virgil. When they pulled apart, Virgil smiled and hugged Logan.

"Would you like to be my boyfriend?" Logan asked softly.
"Absolutely," Virgil smiled, nuzzling his friend, now boyfriends, neck. He planted soft kisses on Logans neck, wanting to stay that close for as long as he could.

That afternoon, the two were going to Virgils house.
"Hello Logan," Virgils mom smiled.
"Hello," Logan smiled back. Virgil gently tugged on his sleeve and led him to the bedroom.

"We can't let anyone find out about us, ok? I'm worried about how my dad will react. He doesnt even know I'm gay," Virgil said softly to Logan.
"I understand," Logan nodded, holding his hands. "I can even tell my parents that, so they won't tell anyone else, ok?"

Virgil smiled.
"Thanks for being so awesome," he said softly, hugging Logan.
"Of course," Logan smiled. He brushed Virgils bangs from his eyes and kissed him.

Logans parents were very welcoming and supportive. They knew about Virgil and Logans relationship and thought it was adorable, and promised not to mention anything to Virgils parents.

"I still can't believe it," Virgil smiled as the two laid on their backs in the backyard, looking up at the sun setting.
"Can't believe what?" Logan asked, gently holding Virgils hand.
"This...I can't believe that I'm with you again, that we're together. That I'm dating the most amazing person I've ever met," Virgil said, turning on his side to look at Logan.

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