12. Introloceit 💖

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Poly ship with Deciet Logan and Remus, thank you to the person who told me the ship name since I had forgotten
Just a little cute one

Logans POV

I sat on the couch, reading a textbook, when I felt a breath on my neck. I knew who I was immediately.

"Hello, Remus, dear," I muttered.
"Hey Lo!" Remus said, wrapping his arms around my neck happily. I smiled faintly and glanced at him.

"I'm bored, come play with Dee and me," Remus said.
"I know what bored means in your vocabulary, it means you want to have sex. And play also means sex," I said, rolling my eyes.

"Maybe," Remus muttered, playing with my tie absently. "Or maybe I want you to come cuddle me,"

"Fine," I groaned, standing up. I cried out softly as Remus jumped onto my back, giggling as he nuzzled my neck. I sighed and smiled as I carefully carried him to our room, where Deciet was already laying in bed.

"Hey, you actually got him," he said smiling as I stepped inside.
"It was easy, he can't deny my sexiness," Remus said smiling.
"More like adorableness," I said laughing as I practically threw him onto the bed. He giggled again and looked up at me.

"Move over, dorks," I said as I sat down. Remus was cuddled to my right and Decoet was snuggling into my left side, me in the middle,happy that my boyfriends were happy. I continued my book as Deciet and Remus fell asleep against my sides. I knew eventually Virgil or Patton or someone would walk past and take a picture, but I didn't really care. As I expected, about 20 minutes later, Virgil walked past. He stopped and peeked in, smiling at the sight of me cuddling the two dark sides who were both sound asleep by now.

"Shoo," I said softly. "Let them sleep,"

"Patton would love to see this," Virgil snickered, pulling his phone out. I sighed and let him take his pictures, knowing there was no point trying to stop him anyways.

A minute later, Patton came running down the hall.

"Aw!!" He squealed.
"Shush, I domt want them waking up," I hissed, glancing down. Both of my boyfriends had their arms wrapped around me, faces hidden in my sides. Remus stirred slightly, nuzzling me before resting

"Ro!" Patton called down the hall. I groaned softly as Roman peeked in.

"Wow, never seen them so calm,"

"Get out!" I said, trying to be quiet but also get across that I dont want the others in here. Finally, they left and I laid down a bit more.

"Love you, Lo," I heard Dee mumble in his sleep. I smiled and kissed both their heads before taking my glasses off and falling asleep myself

I have been meaning to do this one for WAY too long.... I really like the idea of Demus, but I recently found this ship and was like Oh shit, here it goes and suddenly I was in love, just like I was with analogical. I think the ships are making me like Logan even more

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