77. Pets

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(Let's pretend that Thomas isnt allergic to cats)
Human animals, idk it might freak some people out or something

Thomas had 6 pets.

His rat Remus, his snake Janus, his tarantula Virgil, his cat Patton and his two dogs, Roman and Logan. Remus Janus and Virgil were in cages/terrariums in Thomas' bedroom, Pattons bed was on the kitchen counter and Logan and Roman just kinda slept whenever they wanted.

But what Thomas didn't know, was that his pets weren't just animals.

Almost every night, the 6 pets turned into people like Thomas. Though Patton had cute little cat ears and a tail, Logan and Roman had slightly floppy ears and fluffy tails, Virgil could easily climb walls and Remus had little rat ears. Janus had a snake tongue and yellow eyes. Patton had blue cat eyes, even when a "human"

Logan and Roman both had dark brown eyes and Virgil and Remus' were black, though when the light hit they both looked almost red.

The night was like usual. Thomas fell asleep, Virgil climbed up his terrarium wall and got out. He got to the floor and transformed, then went to Remus and Janus' cages and let them out.

Downstairs, Patton was sitting on the counter in his human form, Roman was on the couch, curled up still a dog and sound asleep, and Logan was trying to sneak a snack.
"Let me," Virgil hissed, climbing up with ease.

"Treats!" Roman said happily, running in now wide awake and human.
"Shh," Janus hissed

Then everything went wrong.

Thomas woke up and saw that his pets cages were open and empty. He quickly turned the light on, looking for them, fearing Janus might eat Remus, or Virgil might get spooked and bite one of the other pets.

"Shit, where are they," Thomas groaned. His door was open so he went out. The kitchen light was on...but he was sure he had turned it off.

"Who the hell are all of you?!" Thomas gasped seeing the pets. Remus shut the light off and they all six turned back to their animal forms. Thomas turned the light on and found Patton on his bed, Roman and Logan snuggled on the kitchen floor, and Remus snacking on carrots on the counter. Thomas quickly picked Remus up and put him on his shoulder so he was safe, and started looking for Virgil and Janus. He heard a small hiss and knelt down, letting Janus slither up his arm.
"No eating Remus," he said softly.
"No promises," he thought he heard someone say. He finally found Virgil under the table and sighed again, happy that his smaller pets were safe. He took them back upstairs and put them back in their homes.
"How did you little guys get out?" He wondered aloud as he was putting Remus away. Remus suddenly bit his hand, surprising Thomas enough to drop the rat onto the desk. Remus quickly crawled away and transformed.

"W-what the hell?!" Thomas cried is shock. "What...what are you?"
"Do you know what a neko is?" Remus asked in his high pitched, slightly squeaky voice. Thomas nodded. "I'm like the rat version of that,"

He teached into Janus' terrarium and put him on the ground. Janus transformed and had his tongue out slightly.
"Woah..." Thomas smiled. "What about the others?"
"They're all like us," Remus smiled. Virgil had crawled out and appeared behind Thomas. He slid his hands onto his shoulders, loving the scream Thomas let out.
"You're even creepier like this," Thomas mumbled.
"Thanks," Virgil smiled. Virgil actually had 6 eyes, two under and two above where the eyes he usually used were.

"Logan, Roman, here boys," Remus called. The sound of little excited footsteps...or pawsteps...came next. Logan and Roman stopped and transformed.
"You told him?!" Logan growled.
"No! It was Remus!" Virgil defended, hiding behind Thomas. Logan got up close to Remus' face.

"I'll tear you to pieces, you little rat," Ligan growled.
"No, be nice," Thomas scolded. That made Logans ears fall a bit and he backed up, looking guilty.

"Hey...don't look so down," Thimas said softly, feeling bad about making Logan look so upset. He gently pet the pups head and ears, smiling when his tail started wagging happily. "Good boy," he smiled. Logan was melting into his touch, and Thomas thought it was adorable. Patton walked in, already his small adorable human self.
"What's going on?" His voice was soft and gentle, like a kitten.

"Logan is getting praise," Roman mumbled, arms crossed.

That night, Logan and Roman were cuddled up at Thomas' sides, Patton snuggled by his head. The smaller three were in their homes, all six in their animal forms. When Thomas woke up, he heard Pattin purring near his ear. He smiled softly.

"Rise and shine, boys," he said as he sat up yawning. Logan and Roman jumped up and off the bed, running down stairs. Thomas chuckled and picked Patton up, petting his head as he followed the hyper dogs. He let them outside and got their food ready. He was again scared by Virgil, who giggled.
"You're easy to spook," he teased.
"Shush," Thomas smiled. Janus came in, Remus eagerly following.
"Morning," Janus said, a slight hiss in his voice.

"I'm hungry, have any grapes?" Remus asked
"You know I do," Thomas chuckled. He often bought grapes as a treat for Remus. Plus it was a healthy little snack for himself.

Remus ate the grapes happily, feeling Janus smelling it.
"Want one?" He asked, holding a grape. Janus ate it and let out a happy hiss.
"You guys are adorable," Thomas smiled. He heard scratching at the door and let Logan and Roman in, who ran in to eat happily.

Thomas sat on the couch, Patton laying on the back of it, purring. Logan and Roman had their heads on his lap while he pet them. Virgil and Patton were both in their animal forms. Remus and Janus were cuddled up together beside Thomas and Thomas smiled, turning on a show. Soon, Logan and Roman were sound asleep.

"Master?" Patton said softly, nuzzling Thomas' cheek.
"Yes?" Thomas asked, scratching under the cats chin.
"I love you," Patton purred, lightly head butting Thomas and nuzzling him again.
"I love you too," Thomas smiled a bit wide and kissed the top of the fluffy little cats head 

I'm ending it here because inspiration is leaving me, as well as motivation. Sorry it kinda sucks...

But I hope you enjoyed, have a great day/night!

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