32. Logince

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Human AU

Almost drowning
Almost dying

"Logan! Virgil! Let's go to the beach!" Patton said excitedly. Roman nodded smiling.
"I don't know..." Virgil said. "I'm not a big fan of water...the oceans scary,"
"No it's not! Come on!" Roman said.
"Yes it is! At any minute, something could come up and snatch you away! Drag you 60 miles under and eat you!" Virgil said.
"Stop worrying! It's not that bad," Patton said. "Please?" He let out a small pouty lip and Virgil gave in

"Fine!" Virgil groaned. "If Logan is up for swimming, why not," Virgil said.
"I dont see a problem with it," Logan said. They split up to get their swim trunks on and grab anything else they may need.
"Chairs?" Patton said
"Check," Roman said.
"Beach ball?"
"Shoot," Roman said after a moment. "Um....wheres the sunscreen?"

Something hit him in the back of the head.
"There it is princey," Virgil said smiling.
"One, ow. Two, thank you," Roman said. Virgil smiled and rolled his eyes.

"Ok. I have everything I need," Logan said. All he had were his sunglasses, a book and his towel,"
"A book?" Roman and Virgil said together.
"Yes...I have no interest in swimming," Logan said.
"Oh come ON," Roman said. "I bet I can get you swimming before we leave,"
"Alright. Fine. Though I highly doubt it will happen," Logan said, rolling his eyes.

The four finished packing their car with the chairs and towels. Logan drove, Virgil in the front seat. Patton and Roman were singing along to the radio in the backseat. Virgil and Logan shared a glance, both smiling at the silly boys behind them.

"Ok, we're here!" Logan said after a few minutes.
"Yay! Let's go swimming!!" Pattons cried, jumping out of the car. Roman laughed and followed quickly. Roman and Logan got their spot set up, watching as Patton pulled Virgil into the water. Logan sat and smiled softly.

"Don't go too deep!" Logan yelled to Virgil and Patton, noticing there wasnt a life guard for some reason.
"That's what she said," Roman muttered smiling.
"Why?" Logan said laughing. "Why must you be so much like Remus?"
"We're twins, what did you expect?" Roman said shrugging.

"That you were more mature," Logan said smiling.
"Whatever, calculater watch," Roman said. He took his shirt off and ran into the water. Logan smiled and read his book. After a bit, Virgil came out and sat on the sand beside Logan

"Bet I can go deeper then you," Roman said to Patton
"No fair! You're taller then me!" Patton whined as Roman swam deeper.

When Patton couldnt touch the ground anymore, he went a but farther.
"Roman, stop! I wait for me!" Patton said. Roman stuck his tongue out and laughed, going deeper.
"Pat! If you cant touch the bottom, come closer to the shore!" Virgil called.

Patton moved back and got out.

"Roman! Come back!" Logan yelled, standing up. He thought he saw Roman struggle slightly. But he wasnt sure. Then he saw the current.
"Roman!" Logan yelled louder.

"I'm gonna swim to the other side!" Roman said.
"It's an ocean, you idiot!" Virgil yelled. "Swim any farther and you'll be in Africa!"

Then the current caught Roman. He went under.
"Roman!" Patton yelled.
"That idiot!" Virgil groaned. They didn't know what to do. Roman came up a moment later.
"G-guys! Help!" Roman screamed. Now everyone at the beach was panicking. The three stood at the edge of the water.
"Logie! What if he drowns?! Remus would kill us!" Patton said.
"Shit," Logan muttered. He ran into the water, diving as soon as he was far enough in.

Roman couldnt get any closer.
"Ro!" Logan called, reaching out as he could. Roman went under again and came up choking. Logan couldnt tell if he was crying.

Logan tried to get him again.
"L-Logan," Roman said, coughing and choking on water. Logan grabbed his arm and pulled him as close as he could. He held Roman to his chest and swam backwards. He kept Roman's head above the water.

"Oh thank goodness," Patton said, breathing heavily.
"Are you ok?" Logan asked Roman, sitting him down gently. Roman shook his head and coughed again, spitting some water out.

"You two go swim. But make sure you can stick out your arms and have the water under your arms,"

(My moms swimming rule for me and my brothers)

"No, I'm staying here," Patton said. "I'm gonna build a sand castle,"

Logan put Roman on his lap, holding him close. Roman cuddled into him, shivering slightly.
"T-thanks for saving me," Roman mumbled.
"Of course. No one else was brave enough to do it anyways," Logan said smiling as he brushed Roman's hair.

After awhile, people came around to tell Logan how amazing and brave he was to save his friend.

"Lo?" Roman mumbled, looking up at Logan

"Yes?" Logan asked softly.
"I...I love you," Roman said, nuzzling Logans chest. Logan didnt know how to respond. Luckily, Roman fell asleep right after that.

"Pat...help me," Logan said softly.
"What's wrong?" Patton asked.
"Roman just told me he loved me...and I don't know what to do," Logan said. Patton giggled.
"Well, do you love him, too?" Patton asked, smiling.
"I...I think so," Logan said, glancing at Roman's sleeping face. "He's so cute...look at him," Patton giggled.
"LoLo, I think you like him," Patton said smiling.
"Maybe I do," Logan said with a faintly smile.

When Roman woke up, it was because they had to move him.
"What happened?" Roman asked as Logan picked him up.
"Well...you almost drowned, I saved you, you got me to swim completely by accident, you fell asleep in my arms...and told me you love me," Logan said as he helped Roman into the car. "And I wanted to say...I love you too," he smiled and kissed Roman's cheek before shutting the door. Roman was shocked.

"Did you tell him?" Patton whispered. Logan nodded.
"Tell him what?" Virgil asked, popping up.
"Virgil! You need to stop just popping up like that!" Logan said.
"Sorry, but tell Roman what?" Virgil asked urgently.
"I love him," Logan mumbled.
"You love him?!" Virgil whispered in shock.
"Yes, hush," Logan said. "Let's go. Roman's probably worried," Logan got into the car. The others smiled at eachother and got into the car as well.

"Are you feeling ok?" Logan asked as Roman laid onto the couch.
"Yeah," Roman said smiling. He pulled Logan closer and smiled a bit wider.
"So...when you said you loved me...that wasnt a trick, right?" Roman asked.
"Of course not, I would never. I rarely ever even feel like this. I would never lie or trick you out my feelings. I really do love you,"
"Wow," Roman breathed. Logan smiled and kissed his head.
"Get some rest princey,"
"Ok," Roman said laying down

I'm honestly surprised I wrote this one so fast. Thank you for the request, it was so great. I loved writing it. Hope you enjoyed, have a great day/night❤

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