24. Moceit fluff

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I dont even knowing this can count as moceit. But it follows Deciet and Patton so yeah

Patton skipped into his house happily. He said hi to his two dogs, Virgil and Logan and giggled as Virgil jumped on him. The dogs were both small and black, with long fur. The way to tell them apart was that Virgil had a white snout while Logan didnt.

Patton put the groceries down and noticed his snakes cage door was open. In a slight panic, he ran over and checked the cage. His large yellow python was gone.
"Shoot," Patton groaned. He got on his hands and knees, checking around the couches.
"Dee-Dee, come on out," Patton called softly. A slight hiss caught his attention. Logan was in the playful position, the snake infront of him. Patton quickly picked the snake up. Deciet, his snake, wrapped himself around Pattons arm. He looked up at his owner, eyes almost curious. Almost human like...

"You gave me a big scare there, buddy," Patton said as he put the snake in his shoulders. Deciet stayed there as Patton make treats and snacks for his bestfriends party that was coming up. After awhile, Patton zoomed out while humming. After while he noticed Deciet wasnt on his shoulders anymore.
"Crap," Patton said, turning around

He was met with one brown eye and one yellow eye, a tall man standing right behind him. Patton screamed, backing away.

"Dont be scared master," the man said. He had yellow scales on half if his face.
"Deciet?" Patton said slowly. The man nodded excitedly
"Yay! You recognized me!" He said happily.

Virgil and Logan came running in, stopped and barked at the strange man.
"Virgil, Logan, it's ok," Patton said kneeling down.

"How are you...a human?" Patton asked.
"I'm what's called...shoot it's been so long I forgot. Sorry master," Deciet said.
"Call me Patton," Patton said smiling.
"Anyways, a few animals are chosen to have the ability to turn into people and are adopted by humans like you. And that animals job is to make their owner happier. If they don't, they dont get to live a second life," Deciet explained.

"Woah, that's a little harsh though, isn't it?" Patton said
"Maybe. But my time is running out. But I wanted to tell you that you were an amazing owner. Maybe when I get my next form, you can be my master again," Deciet said.
"Wait, so you have to leave?" Patton said sadly.
"Yes," Deciet said. "But as soon as I can, I'll be back. And I'm excited to be your newest pet again," and with that, Deciet dissapeared. The dogs were not happy about it.
"Calm down, it's ok," Patton said.

Two days later...

Patton went to the local pet shop, looking at every single animal. He wanted to find Deciet again. A small yellow frog suddenly jumped at the glass when Patton came close. Patton leaned down. The frog was jumping excitedly.
"Dee?" Patton asked softly. The frog jumped, sticking to the glass.
"Excuse me, miss?" Patton called over his shoulder. A worker came over smiling.
"I would like to get this little frog," Patton said.
"Wow, he really likes you. This little guy usually hides from everyone. He must have picked you," the lady said smiling. She grabbed a small box and gave it to Patton. She opened the terrarium, and the frog hopped out. Byt instead of hopping away, he landed on Pattons shoulder and stayed there.

"Such odd behavior for a frog," the lady said. "Ok. Follow me," she led Patton to the front desk. Patton carefully put his hand by his shoulder. The frog jumped onto his hand and allowed Patton to put him into the box.

"Ok, have a wonderful day!" The lady said when he had bought Deciet.
"Thank you, have a great day," Patton said smiling. In the car, Patton took Deciet out and set him on the seat. The frog turned into the man again, and smiled widely.
"Master!" He said happily.
"Hi Deciet," Patton said smiling. At the house, Patton got the little frogs place set up.

"So, do you have a real name, or do you go by whatever it is your owner gives you?" Patton asked.
"Usually we go by the name given to us by owners," Deciet said. He seemed distracted and happy, looking out the window.
"Hey, you ok?" Patton asked.
"Yeah," Deciet said smiling. "Just thinking,"

"Patton, I'm here," a voice called.
"Shoot!" Patton said softly. "I told my friend to come over!"
"W-what do I do?" Deciet asked. The foot steps got closer.
Deciet turned into a frog again and hopped into Pattons hand.

 Deciet turned into a frog again and hopped into Pattons hand

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Snake Deciet looked like this. Frog Deciet is the cute little red eyed tree frog we all knew far too well from our childhoods but yellow, completely harmless (I had to search it up)

 Frog Deciet is the cute little red eyed tree frog we all knew far too well from our childhoods but yellow, completely harmless (I had to search it up)

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Pattons friend Roman came in.
"Hey, you got a frog, cool," Roman said. Virgil jumped up, wanting to be held and Roman laughed, picking him up.

"He picked me," Patton said smiling. "Watch this," he gently set Deciet down putting a hand out to stop him and took a step back. Then he held his hand out flat. Deciet immediately jumped onto Pattons hand.
"Woah!" Roman breathed. "That's so cool!"

At 100 votes I'm going to be posting a QnA (literally it's so close we're at 98 votes)

I hoped you enjoyed this. I'm currently working in two or three requested chapters, one of my own, and like two random ones

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