58. dukexiety angst

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Soulmate AU
Human AU
Highschool AU

Slightly unsympathetic Virgil
Sad Remus

Tell me if I missed anything

Virgil was 5 minutes from turning 16. His 3 best friends, Logan Roman and Patton, sat around him in excitement. Well, two of the three at least.

"5, 4, 3, 2, 1!" Roman counted down cheerfully. Virgil kept his eyes closed.
"Do you see it?" He asked.
"No, maybe your shoulders?" Paton asked. Virgil moved his shirt off his shoulders. Still nothing.

"Hmm...that's weird," Logan said softly. Virgil lifted his shirt slightly to see if it was on his waist or anything, but it wasnt.

"I'll be right back," Virgil said standing up. In the bathroom, he kept looking. When he found it, he turned a deep red.

"Why on my ass," he groaned, covering his face in embarrassment.

"Did you find it?" Patton asked when Virgil sat down.
"Oh I found it," Virgil muttered.
"Well?! Where is it?" Roman asked.
"My ass," Virgil mumbled. Roman held down a laugh.
"Weird that the first place your soulmate is going to touch you would be your...butt," Patton said softly.
"Yeah," Virgil shrugged. "They're probably a pervert. Hopefully a somehow lovable one,"

The four sat talking a bit.

The next day, while they were walking inside, Virgil was secretly studying everyone. Not many gross or perverted people in the school. Maybe his soulmate wasnt at their school?

"Ok Remus, where's your soulmark?" Roman asked his brother.
"My neck, see? They're choking me," Remus said laughing.
"Wonder what you did to deserve that," Roman chuckled rolling his eyes.

A few weeks passed. One day, just to be an ass, Remus slapped Virgils. Virgil spun around, grabbing his by the throat. Both froze in shock.

"You..." Virgil muttered, moving his hand away.
"You're my soulmate..." Remus breathed. He smiled. "Lucky me," he whispered in a seductive tone. Virgil shoved him away, going bright red. He stormed over to Roman, grabbing him by the ear in anger.

"Ow ow ow! What?!" Roman cried.
"You're stinky brother is my soulmate!" Virgil cried. "Remus! Of all the people it HAD to be Remus!"

"Wait, my twin brother, who you hate, is your soulmate?"
"Yeah!" Virgil groaned in anger, punching the wall. "Ow," he mumbled, holding his fist

"Baby~" Remus sang out, skipping over to Virgil
"Don't fucking call me that!" Virgil snapped. "You are NOT my soulmate! I won't allow it!" Virgil stormed away again.

Remus stood, a bit sad.
"He hates me, doesnt he?" Remus said softly.
"Kinda," Roman sighed. "But maybe we can convince him to give you a chance! I mean, you are soulmates," Remus sighed sadly but agreed.

But it didn't work. Every time Remus tried to talk to Virgil, he just either walked away or got angry.
"You are NOT my soulmate!" Vorgil screamed in anger, fists clenched tightly. "I hate you! You're an asshole and I will never EVER love you, ok?!" With that, he stormed away. Remus stood, wanting to cry but not wanting people to see him cry

"R-Roman," he whimpered when he found his brother.
"Remus, oh my god, what happened?" Roman gasped seeing the ears rolling down his twins face.
"V-Virgil said he hates me and will never love me," Remus whispered as more tears fell. Roman wrapped his arms around his brother, holding him close as he cried.

"It's ok, it's ok," Roman whispered gently. "Don't cry, Remus,"

I love angst, I'm sorry...even though it isn't TOO bad, I still found it sad, idk

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