Think About It

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This one may be a bit sad, but think about it

Remus himself said "I was the unloved brother,"

With children, they often will misbehave to get attention from their parents/guardians.

Remember the moment he screamed to distract them? That was him misbehaving to get attention because they stopped paying attention. He continued to butt in, saying disgusting things.

The ignored/unloved brother. The child that is ignored more then the other. He wants Logans attention. Logan in particular, from what I see. When I think about it, Patton is the dad of the light sides, Logan is much like the mom. Janus is the mom/dad of the dark sides

But Remus is almost begging for attention from Logan, as well as Patton. He wants attention from the "parents" because they stopped looking and talking to him.

So he screamed, made dirty commentary, amd continued to scream "Poopy" because they were getting closer to finding a way to get rid of him.

Plus, he hurt Roman, his brother, to get their attention.

Remus was trying to get attention from the others because he felt ignored and alone. And to do that, he even hurt his brother to bring their attention from Roman to himself.

Sorry, this just popped into my head randomly while rewatching DWIT, plus it's like 12:30 and that is usually my thinking hour.

But like...Remus is the most ignored side, and he just wants the love, approval and attention from the others. And in What Are Healthy Distractions, he kept popping up and making dirty jokes, dirty commentary to again, get their attention.

He isnt attention seeking, he just doesnt like that Roman, his twin brother, gets so much more then him

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