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I know I've been doing alot of these lately!!!

But this week is going to be awesome, I can feel it. It's just me and my mom, which is sweet.

But I'm getting my hair cut. And my moms boyfriend has a few tiny jobs for me.

Really it isnt even work. My family has been doing alot of tyedye and some of his coworkers said they would pay me to make them tyedye shirts!!!!

And if I do even one, I'll be able to pay for my binder!!!!

I'm so excited to get my hair cut though, I've been wearing a hat the past 2 weeks to hide my horrible hair. I'm basically at that awkward length when growing out a pixie cut when it's too short to style but long enough to stick out in all directions, you know?

Ok so ignore my ugly ass face, but this is how I've been wearing my hair the past 2 weeks

Ok so ignore my ugly ass face, but this is how I've been wearing my hair the past 2 weeks

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Fuck I hate how I look so much😑

Yeah I'm really excited to get my hair cut.

Oh and one random thing.

So my crush was wondering about me the other day. She was wondering where I was because I wasnt answering her messages, because I wasnt allowed on the laptop to talk to them. She asked my bestfriend where I was on the group chat the three of us have and I thought it was kinda cute.

And I am soooo fucking glad I was home last night, because my bestfriend was going through something and if I wasnt allowed my phone, she wouldnt have been able to talk to me, so I wouldnt see the messages until like 10am fhe next day, which would have been like 13+ hours later. I'm the friend everyone talks to when something's wrong, and I love that. I take that job very seriously, and I will do anything I can to help them. I literally told my bestfriend that I would come and kidnap her and keep her hidden at my house so she would be safe, because that's the kind of friend I am.

When I say I will do anything, I mean ANYTHING. Well...expect...you know...cause I'm literally only in highschool, but yeah.

No matter where I am, what I'm doing. I will put down everything to talk my friend through something.

If I'm talking to ny mom and my friend texts me something is wrong, I tell my mom.
"----- needs me," and she'll leave me to help my friend, no questions asked. She knows that it's important and lets me do my thing.

I love my friends more then I love most of my family. My friends ARE my family.

One night, I got so giddy because of something silly.

I message my bestfriend

I love you

And she responds
Night, love you too

I just kinda sat there giggling because...most of my friends are like completely opposite of me, they are not affectionate people. And I'm always like HUGS! LOVE! SMILES! And getting an I love you back made me so happy, I don't know

This is turned to me just telling you how much I love my bestfriend 😂 but like she's...amazing. She knows how to make me laugh when I'm upset, and always gets me smiling again. She helped me through a major panic attack. She HATES hugs, and just sat with me, holding me until I calmed down. She listens to me get super excited about Thomas Sanders and the Sanders Sides, even though shes only watched one episode (she watched it at a sleepover we had because I wouldnt shut up about it, she really likes Roman)

When I came out, she was super supportive and accepting, she was loving.

Yeah, we've had our rough patches. But I think every friendship has, right? I mean, if it weren't for the fact that I am very willing to forgive and forget, we wouldnt be friends. So many things would be so different.

When I came out as bi in October, she stopped being my friend. Her family was homophobic, as was she. But after a week or two, maybe 3, we became friends again. And as more time went on, we got closer.

I always worried me getting excited about my crush made her uncomfortable. But then...she came out to me. And when I came out as non binary, she told me that of anyone was mean, she would protect me. She and my other bestfriend said they would hurt anyone who treated me poorly for it. That if anyone stopped being my friend because of it, they would kick their ass.

See, yeah. I'm the mom friend. But I'm also the baby it seems.

All my friends are kinda protective of me yet I'm like a mama bear. My bestfriends boyfriend broke up with her and I told her I would go over to his house and chop his dick off. She gave me the most frightened look and we laughed.

And when her close friend was a slutty bitch, I never stood down. I tended to give glares alot in the halls. I get super protective of my friends, yet I'm this fragile little brat who would never win in a fight.

Wait...I forgot the point of this chapter...fuck...

Gotta love ADHD and getting so riled up about something silly.

Right! Hair cuts!😂😂

I'm getting a hair cut this week and hopefully will be able to order my binder.

I think there's something wrong with me, that bunny trail was ridiculous

Have a great day/night
I love you

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