148. pride month

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Pride month may be over but I'm still fucking proud to the indecisive non binary pansexual polyamorous person I am!!

Slight dirty talk
Lots of gay

(Also I've never been to a pride parade or festival or anything before, so I probably got something wrong. Sorry)

Patton squealed in excitement as he tied the pan flag around his shoulders like a cape. He finished his makeup, yellow pink and blue, and put on the rubber pansexual bracelet.

Virgil took a deep breath, slipping on his trans t-shirtnover his binder with a soft smile. He put his normal hoodie on and clipped on his rainbow earrings, finished painting a trans flag on one cheek and a gay one on the other and smiled.

Logan didn't quite understand the need to show his sexuality, but he was doing it to make Patton happy. He switched out his usual blue tie for a purple pink and blue one and got Virgil to help with the bi flag Patton inisted he needed on his cheek.

Roman was full rainbow(no surprise there) he used his rainbow flag in place of his usual sash and put on rainbow eyeshadow. He even had a necklace that said "men are hot"

Remus changed out his duke outfit for black ripped jeans (with a few small blood stains) and a rainbow pansexual t-shirt, a dark green flannel on with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows.

Janus took a deep breath. They weren't ready for this...But today was the day. They were coming out to the others. They knew everyone would be supportive, they still loved Virgil after he came out as trans. But they were super nervous. Janus pulled on their non binary shirt and two bracelets, one pan one non binary.

Remus already knew, being Janus' boyfriend.
"Hi baby," Remus smiled, kissing Janus'head when he saw them.
"Hi," Janus smiled softly, wrapping their jacket around them more to cover the yellow purple black and white t-shirt.
"Everyone else should be here soon, don't be nervous," Remus said softly, lifting Janus' chin gently. Janus sighed.
"Its just...they're your friends...not mine," Janus mumbled, shrugging.
"Babe, they arent really my friends. They're my brother, his boyfriend and his friend," Remus smiled. "Really only Virgil is my friend. You have nothing to worry about. You don't even have to come out right now, we can wait,"

Janus shook his head.
"I can do this," they whispered, more to himself. Remus smiled and put his arm around the others shoulder.

When Patton, Roman Virgil and Logan showed up, they could tell how anxious Janus was.
"You ok, snakey?" Roman asked him. Janus nodded with a fake smile.
"The parade is starting!" Patton gasped excitedly, jumping up and down and shaking Virgils arm.
"I see it," Virgil chuckled, smiling at his boyfriends cuteness and excitement.

"We can wait," Remus whispered to Janus, who shoot their head. They got the others attention nervously.
"I need to tell you guys something," they said.
"What's up?" Roman asked.
"I...um...I'm non binary," Janus let go of their jacket so it exposed the shirt. Patton gasped and hugged Janus.
"That's great, kiddo!" He smiled. Janus smiled awkwardly, holding Remus' hand

"That took a lot of courage. Thank you for trusting us with that information," Logan smiled.

"Nerd alert," Roman said rolling his eyes. Logan grabbed his by his sash, pulling him close with a smirk.
"Well this nerd knows how to make you a submissive little bitch," Logan growled. Roman squeaked, going red.

"I'm proud of you," Remus whispered, kissing Janus' cheek and hugging them from behind. Janus smiled weakly and the 6 watched the parade with smiles.

After that day, the 6 got even closer. They hung out all together, they always made sure to use they/them for Janus, but they didn't really get mad if they accidentally use masculine pronouns, mostly because they would immediately correct themselves.

I'm aware pride month is over! and I don't really care, we should be proud all the time! What is your gender and sexuality? Comment and I shall send love!

For those forced in the closet this pride month, I get it. I'm here for you. Not gonna make this all about me, but I came put as non binary earlier in the month and it was ignored and disrespected. So I get not having supportive parents and stuff.

And I'm here to chat!

Hopw you enjoyed and have a great day/night!
Love you guys so much!!

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