85. remrom

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Sexual abuse/rape
Unsympathetic/ abusive Logan and Patton
Platonic anxceit
Boy in a dress
A bit of angst

Imagine waking up in the absolute worse person's body

For the twins? It was eachother.

Neither of them knew how it happened, but one morning, Roman woke up in a dark black and green room that stunk, instead of his neat, clean, beautiful room.
"What the hell?" He mumbled, sitting up. He noticed his voice was different. And something was scratchy in his face.

Meanwhile, Remus had woken up in a room painted white, with golden and red highlights.
"Why am I in Roman's room?" He mumbled. "And what the hell is wrong with my voice?" He got up and looked down, seeing he was in a white t shirt with a crown and red shorts.

Roman got up and almost screamed.
"Why am I naked?! What the hell did Remus do to me?!" He cried

Janus came running in.
"Remus, are you ok?!" He asked.
"Deciet?! What the hell is going on?" Roman demanded.
"Deciet? Remus...are you ok? You've known my real name since we were kids," Janus said softly.
"No, I don't. And why are you calling me Re-" his eyes widened. "Grab me clothes. Please,"
"Are you feeling ok?" Janus asked softly.
"No, I'm not ok! You're an idiot, it's me. ROMAN," Roman snapped. "Now grab me some clothes because I don't want you seeing me naked,"
"Remus, cmon. It's me. I've seen your junk a million times," Janus said rolling his eyes. "And what do you mean, you're Roman?"

"Idiot. Look away, perv," Roman growled. Janus turned, though he was confused. Roman quickly got dressed, wincing at how bad it smelled.

"I'm going to the light sides," he said calmly, walking past him.
"Ok...are you sure that's a good idea, Re?"

Remus got changed, after looking at Roman's closet forever. He had looked in the mirror and was not excited about what he had seen.

"How am I in Roman's body?" He mumbled, rummaging through the closet more. He paused. "What the..." he breathed, taking out a beautiful white gown. "Woah..."

He put it back, still confused. Did his brother...enjoy wearing dresses?

"Roman, time to wake up, sleepy head!" Patton called smiling as he opened the door. "Oh good, you're up. C'mon, breakfast is on the table,"

Remus followed Patton down and was shocked when Virgil smiled at him...it had been years since he saw that smile.

Though yes, the sides were a part of Thomas, they actually were all different ages. Virgil had been born when Thomas was 13, Logan when he was 6, Patton and Janus when he was 3, and the king when he was 2. Roman and Remus had been formed, or split, when Thomas was 9.

So to Remus, Virgil was like a baby brother. And seeing him smile made him so happy.
"Virgil...can...can I hug you?" He asked softly.
"I mean...sure?" Virgil said slowly. Remus held him tightly.
"I missed you so much," he whispered.
"Roman, you literally see me everyday, are you feeling ok?" Virgil asked in confusion.
"I'm great," Remus smiled.

"Remus!" A voice yelled.
"Ah, shit..." Remus groaned. They all looked at the door to see Roman...ir Remus, storming towards them. He grabbed Roman's arm and yanked him away.
"Hey...bro," Remus chuckled nervously.
"Don't 'hey bro' me, what the heck is going on?!" Roman demanded.
"Renus, let him go," Patton said nervously.
"I need to borrow my dear brother for a moment," Roman growled, tugging Remus around the corner.

"What the hell is going on?!" Roman whispered angrily.
"I don't know!" Renus hissed
"And why do you sleep NAKED?!"
"Because ifs comfortable and I feel free!" Remus snapped. "Stop yelling at me,"
"If you do not figure out a way to change us back, I am going to tear you limp from limp," Roman growled, leaning close to Remus'face.

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