119. Virgil angst

982 35 57

Human AU

Angst (like I cried A LOT)

Tell me if I missed any

(Virgil is 13 here)

When Virgil woke up, he quickly got his stuff packed for school and opened his door.
"Hi sweety," his mom smiled, kissing his head. Virgil smiled.
"Morning mom," he grabbed his food and  saw his dad on the couch, doing some work.
"Dad?" He called softly. His dad pooked up and smiled.
"Hey, bud. You ready to go?"
"Yeah," Virgil adjusted his bag and hugged his mom.
"Have a good day, baby," she said, kissing his cheek.
"I will, bye!" Virgil smiled slipped his shoes on, following his dad out to the car.

At school, Virgil hugged his dad and got out.
"Hey Virgil!" Patton said happily.
"Hey, Patton," Virgil smiled.

It was second period when everything went downhill. He got a call in the middle of class. It was his dad.
"Mr. Black, please turn that off," his teacher said firmly.
"Sir, it's my dad. He wouldnt call unless it was important, may I answer it?" Virgil asked

"Fine," his teacher went back to teaching and Virgil answered the phone in the hall.
"I'm coming to get you, I already called the school. Grab your things, I'll explain when I get there," his dad sounded panicked, like he'd been crying.
"O-ok, is everything alright?" Virgil asked, now scared.
"Its your mom," he said. Virgil almost dropped his phone. His mom had some heart issues they already knew about. Now...oh god.

"I-is she ok?!" Virgil cried, tears pricking his eyes.
"I got home and she had collapsed. I'm almost there, Virgil," his dad told him.  They hung up and Virgil quickly collected his things.

"Wait, virgil, what's wrong?" Logan asked.
"My mom...I think she had a heart attack," Virgil said as tears rolled down his cheeks. The second his dad got there, Virgil jumped into the car.

His mom was already in the hospital.

"Mrs. Blacks family?" The doctor called. Virgils dad held his hand.
"That's us," he said.
"I hate to tell you this, but your wife has passed," the doctor told them. Virgil slapped his hands over his mouth to avoid letting out a loud sob.

"No..." Virgil whimpered. His mom was his best friend...she was always there for him. She couldnt be gone. Not now...
"I'm sorry for your loss," the doctor said before leaving. Virgils hugged his dad tightly, sobbing.

That night, Virgil cuddled close to his dad all night. They looked at old pictures, they talked. At bedtime, Virgil shut his door and slid down it, trying to contain his sobs. He sat on the floor, crying into his knees. He wished he had been dreaming, that he would wake up and find his mom at the stove making pancakes. He didnt even get to say goodbye...

The next day, Virgil wore a big hoodie and jeans. His friends knew something was wrong, because Virgil was usually happy and always smiled at them. But he looked tired, his eyes were bloodshot, and he looked absolutely horrible.

"Virgil...are you ok?" Patton asked.
"M-my mom...she...um...she died yesturday," Virgil muttered. His friends gasped, Patton immediately wrapping him in a hug. Virgil broke down again, crying into his friends shoulder as he held him tightly.

"Virgil, I'm so so sorry!" Patton whispered. Roman amd Logan hugged Virgil too. Even Remus and Janus, who were just Roman's brother and his bestfriend tried to help him feel better.

But nothing they could do would make it better. His mom, the person who he loved most in the world, his bestfriend in the entire world...was gone.

As the years went on, Virgil never got better. He became quiet. He rarely spoke, he never smiled.

Then Rachel joined the picture. His dads...girlfriend.

"You're just moving on?!" Virgil cried in tears.
"Virgil, it's been 3 years," his dad tried to reason.
"No! I don't care how long it's been, you're just replacing mom!"
"I'm not replacing her, Virgil. No one could ever replace your mother,"

"Then know I'm not going to like her," Virgil growled before going to his room and slamming the door.

Rachel was an awful women. She teased Virgil, she made fun of his clothes, the things he enjoyed. She refused to let his friends over. And he wasnt allowed over to theirs.

And a year after his dad met her, he married the women. Virgil was so angry, so upset. He felt like his dad was just ignoring the fact that Virgil wasnt over his mother's death. That he probably never would be.

And his dad didnt seem to see that the women was so awful to Virgil.

Virgil was 17. He wanted to leave. But he couldnt yet.

Then the accident happened.

His dad had been on his way home from a 3 week long business trip. When the plane crashed in a storm.

Virgil was furious. At himself...at his stepmother. The last thing he'd said to his dad was just an annoyed goodbye because he didnt want to be left alone with his horrible stepmom. He hadn't even hugged his dad. And he regretted it so much now. He wished he could go back, give his dad the biggest hug before he left, tell him he loved him.

But it was too late for that.

For the next 6 months, his stepmom abused him. Mentally, emotionally and physically sometimes. She'd make him clean the whole house, making random messes and getting mad at him for making them.

One day, Virgil just couldnt take it anymore 
"I'm coming, mom," he whispered as he put the rope around his neck. He took a deep breath and kicked the chair away, choking as everything went blurry, then black

The next morning, his stepmother found him, hanging from the ceiling. She just laughed.
"About time,"

She picked up the note written to his friends. She decided to just drop it off at Virgil's school, so she could see the horrified and pain filled looks on Virgils friends faces.

"Patton Harth, Logan Colten, Remus Princeton, Roman Princeton and Janus Serpent, please come to the office," the secretary said over the loud speaker.

Patton Logan Roman Remus and Janus left their classroom.
"Virgil wanted you all to have this," Virgils stepmother said.

Logan read it aloud.

I'm sorry...I love you guys so much, but I can't take it anymore. I need to be with my parents. I doubt my stepmom will even let you read this, but in the odd chance you do...I also left a small box. It has some things for you guys. To thank you for being so amazing and supportive over the years. Even Janus and Remus. I love you all so much, but I just can't do this anymore.
I'm so sorry


Patton felt tears falling from his eyes.
"W-what...what is this?" He whimpered.
"His suicide note," Virgil stepmom said flatly. Patton let out a frighten squeal as tears poured from his eyes. Roman quickly took him into his arms.

But they were hopeful. That Virgil was with his parents again.

....damn I cried so much writing this, I'm so sorry

But I hope you enjoyed and have a great dat/night
Love you guys

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