96. Baby Thomas

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"Guys! Emergency!!!" Roman yelled, running into the living room.
"What's wrong, princey? And yes, your hair is fine," Virgil said, not looking up from his phone.

"No. It's Thomas," Roman said, way out of breath.
"What's wrong with Thomas?" Patton asked standing up quickly.
"He's a damn baby!" Roman shrieked.
"A...a baby?" Janus asked in utter confusion.
"Yes! Come look!" Roman led the other 5 to the room Thomas slept in. In the bed was a tiny little baby. Baby Thomas.

"Aww! Hes so cute!" Patton squealed. The baby started crying and Patton quickly scooped him up, shushing him and rocking him gently.

"We are screwed," Virgil groaned.
"On the contrary. This could be good practice for all of us about how to care for an infant," Logan said, adjusting his glasses.

"Ok pocket protector," Virgil said in a slight mocking tone, giving the ok sign.

Patton took Thomas down stairs, and made some oatmeal.
"Patton...can I hold him?" Virgil asked shyly.
"Of course kiddo!" Patton smiled and carefully put Thomas in Virgils arms.

"Aa!" Thomas squealed, booping Virgils nose with his tiny hand. Virgil giggled and held him closer.
"You're so cute," he smiled. Thomas was babbling away, sitting on the floor while the rest talked.

The more time progressed, the more they feared he wouldnt go back to normal. One day, Thomas did the absolute cutest thing ever.

Virgil and Janus were arguing, it quickly turning to a hissing fight. They both stopped, hearing little hisses.

"Ssss!" Thomas hissed. "Ssss!!!" Janus and Virgil gasped.
"Oh my god!!!" Virgil squealed.
"He's a little snake like me!" Janus gasped.
"No way," Virgil argued.

"Da!" Thomas whined, trying to get picked up by Patton.
"Aw, what's up, kiddo?" Patton asked, lifting him up.
"Da! Da!" Thomas said happily. Patton smiled. "Dada!" Thomas said hugging Patton.

"Logan!!! Logan come here!" Patton said as happy tears filled his eyes. "He called me dada!"
"Adorable," Logan smiled.

Later that day, Remus was watching thomas.
"R-Re!" Thomas said, almost whining.
"What's up, kid?" Remus asked looking down at him.
"Re! Re!"
"What? Are you taking a shit or something?" Remus chuckled
"R-Re! Remus!"

Remus gasped highly.
"Oh my god Oh my God Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god!" Remus cried, picking Thomas up and spinning him around.
"Careful with him!" Virgil hissed, taking the child from Remus.

"Calm down, Virgin," Remus said rolling his eyes.
"Stop caring me Virgin, dickwad," Virgil snapped.
"Dickwad!" Thomas giggled
"Ah shit," Virgil groaned.
"Ah shit," Thomas said happily, mimicking Virgil.
"Did I hear Thomas swearing?!" Patton screeched, storming in.
"It was Virgil!" Remus said, hands raised as he quickly backed away.
"Remus was playing too rough with him!" Virgil cried.
"Just give me the child," Patton sighed, taking Thomas. "You can't say those words, ok? Those are naughty words,"

"Shit!" Thomas squealed laughing. Virgil held down a laugh, biting his lip.
"No. No, that's a bad word," Patton scolded. Thomas pouted.
"Sorry Pat," Virgil chuckled.
"What's going on here?" Janus asked walking over.
"Virgil taught Thomas a naughty word," Patton said to him.
"Shit!" Thomas giggled. Remus started laughing, which made Virgil fail to hold down his laugh. Soon they were sitting on the couch being scolded, both trying not to laugh and failing.

"What did these idiot's do?" Logan asked in disappointment.
"Dickwad!" Thomas giggled, pointing at Logan.
"Thomas!" Patton gasped. "No,"
"Guys..." Logan sighed. "No swearing around Thomas when he's a baby,"

Remus and Virgil were 'grounded' the rest of the day, but neither of them really cared. They thought it was hilarious that Thomas had called Logana dickwad.

Meanwhile, Janus was carrying Thomas in a front facing baby carrier.

Janus had Thomas in it while he made some food. Thomas seemed very interested in what Janus was doing.
"Did you have to ground them?" He asked Patton with a smile.
"Yeah, they're in their rooms," Patton said, sitting on the counter.

"They're such older brothers," Janus chuckled, turning around to face Patton
"Oh yeah," Patton smiled.

"And if you're like the dad...ans in like his mom..." Janus said slowly smiling. Patton went red.
"S-shush," he mumbled.
"Then you must be my husband~"

Patton groaned, covering his face with both hands, shaking his head.
"Daddy!" Thomas said happily, pointing at Patton. He looked up at Janus, who chuckled. "Mama!" He giggled, before he starting attempting to eat his hand, which was adorable to the other two.

"Told you~" Janus chuckled.
"H-he's like a year old, he doesnt know what he's saying," Patton mumbled.

But something about basically raising a baby together proved to help gain feelings. Soon, Pattin started actually LIKING Janus. And yeah, he was the heart, he was pretty good with emotions. But he had never had a crush on anyone before.

"What are you looking at?" Janus asked when he caught Patton staring at him while he played with Thomas.
"Nothing," Patton said with a soft smile. Janus chuckled and gestured Patton over. Patton sat on his knees and smiled when Thomas climbed onto his lap.

Thomas was babbling, only a few words making sense to the other two. Janus was watching Patton, who leaned down and nuzzled and kissed Thomas' cheeks. Janus out his hand on Patton chin, making him look up before he kissed the other. Patton kissed back, looking at the snake like side when the pulled apart. Janus bit his lip, smiling when Patton smiled and kissed him softly again.

"Not around the kid, dang," Virgil groaned on the couch. Both of them had forgotten he was even there.
"Thomas doesnt care," Janus said rolling his eyes.
"Not Thomas, me. I'm the kid," Virgil said, dramatically gesturing to himself. Patton giggled

Ughhh I'm ending it here cause I have no more ideas or motivation. I promised this so long ago and have just had it sitting in the drafts.

Anyways, how you enjoyed and have a great day/night
Love ya

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