28. Logicality fluff pt3

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Remus and Roman-8
Virgil and Emile-5

"Nooooooooo," Patton whined. "I'm not sick,"
"Babe, yes you are. You have a fever and you were throwing up all night," Logan said. "Stay here, I'm gonna make sure the kids get to school then I'll be back to take care of you,"

"I'm fine, Logie," Patton said. But really, he was too tired to argue any more amd he gave up to fall asleep.

"Is dad ok?" Roman asked.
"He'll be ok, have a good day at school," Logan said as he waved to the kids. They got on the bus, but after a few seconds Virgil came running out.
"Buddy, you're going to be late," Logan said as Virgil hugged him tightly.
"I forgot to give you a hug. Bye dad!" Virgil ran back onto the bus and Logan smiled.

"Ok, Pat," Logan said softly as he stepped into the bedroom. He saw that his husband was asleep and smiled.

When the kids came back around 3:20, Virgil and Emile climbed onto Logan and Pattons bed to cuddle.
"Hey guys," Patton said softly, smiling at the little ones

"Are you going any better?" Emile asked.
"Not really, but I'll be ok," Patton said. Emile cuddled close to his chest and fell asleep. Virgil laid next to Logan, cuddled into his side

"Dad, I need help with my homework," Remus said.
"Ask Remy, we have sleeping children on us," Logan said softly. Remus sighed.

"Coffee! Help me with my homework!" Remus called.
"I told you to stop calling me that, rat face!" Remy called back. Patton giggled and went into a bit of a coughing fit.
"Aw, honey," Logan said.
"I'm ok," Patton said.

"Are you sure?" Logan said as he brushed Patton hair from his face. Patton held his hand and nodded weakly.

Patton was sick for a whole week. His nose was stuffed, his throat hurt, his head hurt and he felt so nauseous all the time. He was really drowsy one day and said something that made Logan laugh really hard.

"Babe! I just figured it out!" Patton gasped.
"Figured what out?" Logan asked.
"I'm pregnant!" Patton said with wide eyes. "Jerk, you got me pregnant,"

"Patton, go to sleep," Logan said laughing.
"No! We are going to talk about this," Patton said. Logan smiled and pushed Patton to lay down, the sick boy falling asleep all most instantly.

"Did dad say he was pregnant?" Remy asked from the door.
"Hes full of medicine, he wont even remember saying it," Logan said chuckling.

Remus was teaching Virgil and Emile a swear word in the living room when Logan walked in.
"F-fuck!" Virgil said. Logan gasped softly.
"Remus! No!" He hissed. "Virgil, that's a very bad word, you can't say that,"

"But Remus said I can," Virgil said softly.
"He was lying," Logan said.
"Daddy says that's a bad word. I dont say bad words," Emile said, shaking his head.
"Good. Remus, no more teaching them bad words," Logan said.

"Ugh, FINEEE," Remus groaned.

Unfortunately, the next day Logan got a call from the school about Virgil.
"Your son said a very bad word to another student today," the teacher said.
"Oh I am so sorry, his older brother was teaching him bad words. I'll make sure to stop it from happening again," Logan said. He took Virgils hand, since the little boy had been sent home.

"I thought I told you not to say that word," Logan said.
"Sorry daddy," Virgil mumbled.
"Just dont say it again, alright?"
"Ok," Virgil said nodding.

"Babe, I'm back," Logan called softly. "Go play in your room, I'll talk to you in a bit," Virgil ran to his room and Logan peeked into the bedroom. Patton wasnt in bed, so Logan checked the bathroom. Patton was leaning against the wall, falling asleep.

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