62. analogical/logicality 💙

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Slight cheating
Sad Virgil
Angry Logan
Drunk Roman and Virgil

"Just...just get out!" Logan screamed. Virgil flinched harshly, tears streaming from his eyes as his boyfriend screamed at him.
"L-Logan," he whimpered.
"No! Get the fuck out right now!" Logan had tears in his eyes from anger. "You can't go and just do that, and expect me to forgive you!"

"Logan, I'm sorry! I don't have any excuses, I'm so sorry! But we were drunk! It meant NOTHING," Virgil sobbed. "I never meant to hurt you,"

"Well you did, now get put of my house, I can't even look at you anymore," Logan growled, fists clenched. Virgil left quickly, wiping his eyes with his sleeves as he continued to cry.

A few weeks passed and Virgil was walking down the street when he saw something that shattered his heart. Patton...his best friend...someone he trusted with his whole heart...kissing Logan.

"No..." Virgil breathed when Logan kissed back. "No...no no no!" He started crying, clapping his hands over his mouth to keep quiet.

Logan kissed Patton, forgetting all about Virgil...about Roman...

"R-Roman, wait," Virgil whispered giggling as he was pushed into the closet, Roman quickly following. "What are you doing?"
"I love you," Roman slurred, sloppily kissing the other. Virgil kissed back, both giggling happily. Until the door opened, a shocked Logan staring at them.

Virgil broke into more sobs, running away to Janus and Remus' house. He was trying to not break down completely as he knocked loudly
"Virg?" Remus asked when he opened the door. He quickly let Virgil in when he saw the tears and pain on Virgils face. "Virgil, what happened?"
"I-I...I accidentally cheated on Logan when I was drunk a-and he kicked me out, and I...I just saw him k-kissing...kissing Patton," Virgil sobbed. "I didnt mean to hurt him, it was an accident... but he wouldn't listen and kicked me out, and now I'm alone,"

"Remus, Virgil, what's going on?" Janus asked walking in.
"Logan broke up with Virgil and Virg just saw him kissing Patton," Remus said gently hugging Virgil as he cried.

"That's little asshole," Janus hissed angrily. "What happened to break them up?"
"I...I was drunk and so was Roman...and Logan caught us kissing in the closet...I barely remember it even happening and it meant absolutly nothing to either of us," Virgil whimpered.

"Logan isn't going to believe that, though, is he?" Janus sighed softly. Virgil shook his head against Remus' shoulder, the dukes shirt wet with his tears

Angst!!!!! I love writing angst and this came to mind after an edit I made
I hope you enjoyed, i am officially back from my grandparents and yes i did write this because I'm in an angst/depressed mood


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