9. Rociet 🍑

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Top- Deciet
Bottom- Roman

Getting caught
Smut (duh)

Roman peeked around the corner, listening to his friends

"I'm gonna find Ro," he heard Patton say. Roman quickly ducked out if sight and thought for a moment. He had hoped for a chance to escape and see his secret boyfriend, but it seemed like it would be harder then he thought.

"Roman! Cmon, its lunch time," Patton said.
"I cant, I have to...uh.." Roman started. He froze, not able to think of a reason to leave.

"You can do it after, you need to eat something," Patton said, hands on his hips. "I'm not letting you leave until you have something,"

"Fine," Roman groaned, following Patton to the kitchen.

As soon as he finished eating, Roman ran out the door. When he got to the dark sides, he paused at the door. He couldnt knock and risk his brother answering. Instead, he went around the back to Deciets window. He peeked inside and saw his boyfriend on his bed, looking at his phone. Roman tapped on the window and it seemed to momentarily startle Deciet before he realized who it was.

"Well well well," Deciet said, opening his window. "What gives me the honour of seeing you, cutie?"

"I just wanted to see you," Roman said, smiling softly. Deciet pulled him inside and held him against his chest, smirking.

"Well, what do you want to do?" He asked, lifting Roman's chin and leaning close.

"I-I dont know," Roman said shyly. Deciet chuckled and kissed him, smiling as Roman melted into the kiss.

Roman knew what he wanted to do. But he was shy to ask. Even though he was known as the fanciful, brave, adventurous side, he got super nervous when it came to asking Deciet to...help him (😉)

Deciet deepened the kiss, pulling Roman to his bed. Roman straddled Deciet lap, both hands on the snakes face as he kissed him happily. Deciets hands were busy exploring Roman's body.

Roman shivered slightly as Deciets bare hands went under his shirt and touched his skin

"D-Dee," Roman mumbled, bit his lip slightly.
"What's wrong, princey?" Deciet whispered, smirking.

"I-I um...I want you," Roman said softly. Deciet chuckled and kissed him again.

"Then you just sit back and relax, I'll take care of you," Deciet said smiling wider. Roman blushed hard and nodded.

Deciet flipped him over so Roman was laying on his back. Roman gasped softly as Deciet kissed his neck. Roman loved the feeling of the small fangs Deciet had as he gently bit his neck.

"Dee, please," Roman whispered, closing his eyes tight. "I need you,"

"Yeah, beg for me," Deciet hissed smirking.
"Please, Dee," Roman whined, knowing it was what Deciet liked to hear

"Yeah, that's right, baby boy," Deocet said licking his lips. He pulled Roman's sash off and unbuttoned his outfit. Once Roman's chest was exposed, Deciet started kissing his neck, collar bone and chest. His fangs grased Romans skin, making the sub shiver.

As Deciet continued to kiss Roman's chest, Roman started to worry about be caught by Remus. Deciet could sense Roman get a bit tense, and lifted his head up.

"What's wrong?" He asked.
"N-nothing," Roman lied.

"Ro, I know you're lying to me, tell me what's wrong," Deciet said in a commanding, dominate tone. He sat up, making Roman whine softly as all contact was released
"Its just... what would Renus think if he caught us?" Roman muttered, not looking at Deciet.

"That asshole isn't allowed in my room, he knows that and I made it very clear last time he came in without permission," Deciet assured him, kissing his hand.

"O-ok," Roman mumbled shyly. Deciet went back to kissing his body and loved the small whines and moan like noises coming out off the princes mouth when he bit his nipple and started teasing it

"Dee," Roman gasped, grabbing Deciets shirt and tugging it off. "Stop messing around and fuck me,"

"As you wish~" Deciet said smirking

(Bonus points if you get the reference)

As Deciet pulled Roman's clothes off completely, Roman bit his bottom lip and pulled at Deciets pants.

Once they both were completely naked, Roman felt a bit embarrassed. He wasnt usually selfconsious, but around Deciet he was, finding his boyfriend so much more attractive then himself.

Deciet kissed Roman deeply, reaching beside him. He grabbed the lube and once he had his fingers ready, inserted one in Roman.
Roman moaned softly, loving everything about what he was feeling.

When Deciet put another finger in, moving in a scissoring motion, Roman felt his back arch as small gasps and moans escaped his mouth.
"Shh, be quiet or Remus'll hear~" Deciet said, smiling as Roman bit his lip to avoid any sounds getting out.

Deciet pulled his fingers out of Roman when he felt he was stretched enough, making Roman whine as the contact left. Deciet chuckled and flipped Roman over, sticking his ass in the air. Deocet started whispering in Roman's ear while he slowly entered him.

Roman let out a loud moan, not able to hold it in anymore. He bit his lip again, trying to hold it in, but was useless. As Deciet started thrusting a bit harder, Roman was turning into a moaning mess.

Yes! Deciet, right there! Ah!" Roman moaned loudly as Deciet hit just the right spot. He didnt care anymore if Remus caught them. He just wanted Deciet to fuck him harder.

Deciet was pounding into Roman's prostate, making him moan louder and louder.

"Dee, what the fuck are you doing?!" Remus' voice yelled from the other side of the door. Roman slapped both hands over his mouth and buried his face in the pillow below him. Do et slowed his movements, thinking of a response.

"Nothing, go away!" Deciet finally yelled back. He moved his hand to Roman's head, gripping his hair.
"Lies!" Renus yelled.

"Go away!" Deciet yelled, rolling his eyes.

"I'm coming in and you cant stop me!" Remus yelled. Deocet quickly pulled out of Roman, pulling the blankets over them both. Roman hid under the blankets, laying as still as he could. The door opened and Remus eyed Deciet suspiciously.

He spotted the clothes on the floor and narrowed his eyes at the red sash and white outfit.

"Wheres my brother?" Remus said slowly. Roman peeked out nervously.

"H-hey, bro," Roman said, letting out a nervous chuckle.

"Bleh," Remus said, scrunching his nose. "Cmon, Dee! That's my brother!"

"Get out!" Roman and Deciet both cried, both bright red with embarrassment. Remus turned and left closing the door behind him. Roman groaned, hiding his face in his hands.

"Sorry, princey," Deciet said softly.

"Its fine, its not like my twin brother just caught us or anything," Roman said sarcastically. Deciet lifted him up and kissed him smiling.

"My sassy prince," he said smirking.

I'm sorry if it wasnt as good as you hoped, I'm really sick and cant really focus on a project for long or feel very motivated

Anyways, yeah, hope you enjoyed and remember that I will consider every single request you give

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