107. Pt2 of logicality prinxiety and demus

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Top Emile...yeah you read that right

Tell me if I need to add anymore

Sorry this is so late, hope you enjoy!

"Phoenix! Give me my hat back!" Janus cried, chasing after his 12 year old daughter.
"Never!" Phoenix yelled laughing as she ran harder. When Janus caught up to her, he grabbed her around the waist and lifted her up, smiling as he squealed and laughed.

"Ok, ok, it's almost time for bed. Go get ready," Remus smiled, walking over with Luka, their 1 year old son.
"Aw, cmon," Phoenix whined.
"Nope, go get your pjs on," Remus chuckled.
"Is it double date night with Virgil and Roman tonight?" Janus asked kissing Remus.
"Yeah, Patton should be over soon with Emile Remy and Zara (Patton and Logans 6 month old daughter)

When Patton got there, Emile and Remy ran up to Phoenix's room

"Get out!" Phoenix screamed, covering herself.
"Sorry!" Remy cried, shutting the door.

"What's going on up there?" Patton called. The boys quickly went back out to the livingroom.

"Phoenix was changing," Emile muttered. Patton sighed.
"You guys should have knocked. You're going into a girls room, you should have knocked," he said shaking his head.
"Yep," Remy groaned sitting down.

Phoenix came out, wearing a lose crop top and sleep shorts. Her face was red and her hair was tied in two braids.

"Sorry Phoenix," Emile muttered nervously.
"W-whatever...just don't do it again," she mumbled.
"You guys can stay up a bit later, but then it's bed time," Patton told them.
"Ugh, whyyy," Remy groaned.
"Because your dad told me to make sure you get to sleep," Patton smiled.
"Dang it, even when he's not there I'm under my dads radar," Remy mumbled. Emile giggled.

That night, Emile and Remy were on the blowup bed on Phoenix's floor.
"Are they asleep?" Remus asked softly.
"Yeah. How was the double date?" Patton asked smiling.
"Amazing," Janus smiled. "But I'm tired. Remus NEEDED to have me in the bathroom halfway through," Janus rolled his eyes chuckling.

"Thanks for that information," Patton laughed. "I better get home, though. Logan will pick Emile up tomorrow around noon,"

The next morning, Emile found himself being spooned by Remy. Remy nuzzled his neck, still asleep. Emile bit his lip, feeling a bit flustered.

He stayed still until Remy woke up, and pretended to still be asleep when he did wake up. Remy seemed flustered too, quickly letting go and moving away a bit, turning so he was facing the other way.

Phoenix woke up after a bit and sat up, wondering what was wrong with her friends.
"Yo, you losers ok?" He asked.
"Y-yep," Emile said sitting up.
"Totally fine," Remy said.
"Oh, I got up a few hours ago to go to the bathroom and you guys were cuddling," Phoenix smiled as she got up. "Now get out so I can change,"

The boy quickly got up and went to the kitchen.
"Morning, where's Phoenix?" Remus asked smiling.
"Changing," Remy said softly. He looked over at Emile, who was still a bit red.

"Emile, your dad's here," Janus called opening the door shortly after noon. Enile grabbed his bag and said goodbye to his friends.
"Hey bud, how was the sleepover?" Logan asked as they walked down the street.

"Hey dad, how was I born?" Emile asked Logan as they entered the house. Logans heart stopped for a second.
"W-why do you ask?" He stammered.
"Well, thinking logically, two men can't have a baby," Emile pointed out. "So...."
"Well actually...it was uncle Roman's fault,"
"What? How?"
"He played a prank on your dad and I, turning him into a girl...and," Logan was not about to go into detail. "We didnt think he would get pregnant but he did,"
"Weird," Emile shrugged. "Hey Zara," he smiled at his sister.
"Up!" Zara whined, making grabby hands. Emile smiled and picked her up.
"Where's dad?" Emile asked.
"Sleeping, he's really tired," Logan sighed.
"What did you do to him?" Emile asked slowly. Logan flushed darkly.
"I have no idea what you're talking about," he said quickly, going to the other room. Emile giggled and carried his sister to her room.

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