Chapter 2

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Derek: "So..." he says walking alongside Sky

Sky: "So...what?"

Derek: "So what happened last night? With you and Benjamin."

Sky: "Nothing."

Derek: "Nothing?"

Sky: "What do you want to know? We went to Joe's, had a few drinks, ate some food, and then he walked me back to my car. What more do you want?"

Derek: "So no first kiss? No feeling each other up in the parking lot?" he asks making her snicker a little

Sky: "Ok I know this is gonna come as a surprise to you but there are people who can go out to a bar with the opposite sex and not get naked, within basically the first time of meeting them." she says as he gives her an offended look

Derek: "I know that."

Sky: "Sure you do." she says patting him on the back before walking away from him

Derek: "I do."

Sky: "Mm." she hums out as she continues walking forward

Alex: "So you and O'Malley, huh? How'd that happen?" he asks tying Callie's gown as they head to the ambulance bay to wait for the arriving ambulance 

Callie: "You're a surgeon, how'd that happen?"

Bailey: "Karev, she's a resident. She outranks you. You don't ask personal questions."

Callie: "It's fine, Dr. Bailey."

Bailey: "He's my intern, I say it's not fine. Are we clear?"

Alex: "No."

Bailey: "What's not clear?"

Alex: "What's not clear is why you won't talk to Izzie. That's what's not clear."

Bailey: "Really? You want to push me on this? Today? Today you want to push me?" she asks as the ambulance arrives and they hurry outside 

Sky: "What do we got, Jill?"

Jill: "Harley Hernandez was street-luging when he lost control and hit a car. Witnesses say he was catapulted ended on tree trimmings. Broken pelvis is apparent, as are, I would guess, some massive internal injuries."

Sky: "You would guess?" she asks as they bring him out of the ambulance with a tree going through his stomach

Sky: "It's alright, Harley, you're at the hospital. We're gonna take care of you now."

Harley: "Hospital? What's the matter with me?"

Man: "You're an idiot, that's what's the matter with you." he says coming over them

Harley: "Dad?"

Bailey: "Sir..."

Callie: "Back away."

Man: "Your friends are idiots, and you don't use the sense God gave you."

Jill: "Sir you're blocking our path. Please!" she says as Alex pushes him against the wall making his nose start to bleed  and Sky's eyes widen at the sight

Alex: "Are you ok?"

Bailey: "Sir." she says coming over and her eyes widen when she sees his bloody nose

Man: "You son of a bitch. Where's my son?"

Bailey: "We took him in there." she says pointing towards the building

Bailey: "His kidney's gone. No way to save it." she says as they operate on Harley

Richard: "Focus on keeping the renal artery under control."

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