Chapter 18/19

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Chapter 18

Alex: "How close?" he comes out to the ambulance bay

Charles: "Two minutes."

Jackson: "It's Nicole, right?"

Sky: "Three guys waiting on an ambulance? Must be Nicole behind the wheel." she comes over to the three 

Charles: "Have you seen her ass? Man, I'd love to hit that." he says making Sky scoff and Richard comes out to them 

Jackson: "Morning, chief."

Charles: "Sorry about that, chief. I-"

Richard: "That's quite all right. And, um, I'm not the chief."

Sky: "Hey, Nicole." she greets when the ambulance arrives 

Nicole: "Hey girl. Nick Kelsey, 32, injured skiing off a helicopter. Vital signs are stable."

Nick: "It wasn't the helicoer that did it. It was the avalanche."

Nicole: "Idiotic either way. He's got two idiot friends coming in behind him, but he's got the worst of fracture to the left tibia and left hip fracture" she goes onto the ambulance and when she turns around she sees Charles looking at her "What are you looking at, chachi?" she asks making him give her an awkward smile

Callie: "I need to reduce this ankle dislocation. Give him 10 of morphine."

Mark: "I need to treat his frostbite. Nick, you like the tips of your fingers?"

Nick: "Yes, please."

Jackson: "You jumped out of a helicopter on skis?"

Nick: "Yeah. You can't get powder like that anywhere else."

Sky: "I'm seeing fluid around your kidney. We're gonna need to do a CT of your abdomen."

Nick: "Do what you gotta do. Me and the guys are running with the bulls in pamplona next year. Gotta be up on my feet" he sees Bailey and Lexie leading another man on a stretcher past them "Hey, Phil! Tell those doctors they need to fix you up so you can run with the bulls next year."

Bailey: "Hey, how come you didn't get hurt in the avalanche?" she asks Tommy as they start moving Phil to get scans

Tommy: "Oh, I never got off the helicopter. I was about to jump when the avalanche started."

Phil: "You missed it, Tommy. It was friggin' awesome."

Nick: "Yeah, Tommy, friggin' awesome!" he calls out from the room

Bailey: "Yeah, Tommy. Friggin' awe."

Meredith: "You stole my surgery right out from under me."

Derek: "It wasn't your surgery. It was Nelson's surgery."

April: "It's beyond Nelson's skill level. Right? I mean, that's what you said."

Meredith: "My diagnosis, my tumor, my debulking. Can I scrub in at least?"

Derek: "You're on Nelson's service. If I switch you, it's gonna look like favoritism."

April: "Dr. Nelson's been given an aneurysm-"

Meredith: "You stop talking." she snaps at her 

Derek: "Meredith, calm down. People are starting to stare."

Meredith: "You stole my surgery" she walks away from him and then looks around at the people "He stole my surgery."

Sky: "Everything okay?" she asks standing at the nurses desk

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