Chapter 6

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Nancy: "Boo." she says coming up behind Sky making her jolt

Sky: "This is why I hated sharing a room with you." she chuckles a little as they hug

Nancy: "Sure it wasn't because you wanted to bunk with Derek?"

Sky: "You know no matter how much convincing we did your mom still believed me and him had a thing for each other."

Nancy: "It wasn't until she caught you and Mark hot and heavy in the kitchen that she finally backed off you two." she says as Sky hums a little

Sky: "So what are you doing here?"

Nancy: "Just visiting my brother."

Sky: "Which is code for 'wanting to be nosy.' Got it." she says as they chuckle a little before hearing George and Alex talking a little

Nancy: "Did I just hear him say two uteruses?"

Alex: "I'm sorry. You must be..."

Mark: "Nancy-pants?" he calls out making all three turn to face him

Nancy: "Hey, loser."

Mark: "I wish Derek had told me you were coming to visit."

Nancy: "Like he tells you anything these days?"

Mark: "I'm working on that."

Nancy: "What are you doing here? Trying to torture him?"

Mark: "He's my family, Nancy. Plus I needed a change of pace. Plus I slept with my tennis partner's wife and he went out and bought a gun."

Sky: "And I will kindly pass on this address to him." she says giving him a fake smile before walking away

Nancy: "There it is."

Addison: "Oh, my God! Nancy! God. Let me guess. Mom sent you out?" she says coming over and hugging Nancy 

Nancy: "Heard Derek's trying to ban you from Seattle."

Addison: "Did he tell you he's living in a trailer?"

Nancy: "Yeah" she says before seeing Derek stepping out of the elevator next to Sky and seeing the three of them all talking "Derek. Derek" she says as he turns around and grabs Sky's arm pulling her into the elevator as Nancy goes to follow them "I want to see the two uteruses."

Addison: "Yeah, um, find me later."

Mark: "I miss her."

Addison: "Yeah. Me too." she says sighing out as they watch the doors close before Nancy reaches them

Derek: "Oh my God." he groans out in annoyance as Sky chuckles a little

Sky: "There are many perks to being an only child." she says leaning against the railing

Derek: "You know I love my sisters. I do. But sometimes...they..."

Sky: "Are a lot?"

Derek: "Yes" he says sighing out "Meredith thought she caught me and Nancy last night in my trailer. I had gotten out the shower when Nancy showed up and Meredith walked in." he says as she laughs out

Sky: "Oh. Having your ex-whatever think you slept with your sister...that's gotta be akward ." she continues laughing as he rolls his eyes before the doors open and he walks out

Nancy: "So tell me about the slutty girl. Fine, the slutty intern." she says as Derek, Sky and herself sit at Joe's and have lunch

Derek: "It's the slutty part I had a problem with." he says as Sky chuckles a little to herself

Nancy: "Kathleen says she's not single."

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