Chapter 20

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Derek: "You know, maybe they could make you a bouquet of scalpels and clamps

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Derek: "You know, maybe they could make you a bouquet of scalpels and clamps." they walk into a break room and see Sky and Mark kissing and when the door opens the pull apart

Meredith: "Oh, yeah, that would be fun. I think I would have to run it by Izzie first."

Derek: "Yeah." he breathes out as he looks at Mark before walking into the room as the men avoid looking at each other. They hear a crunching sound and find Lexie standing in the doorway fastly chewing on a piece of toast making Sky and Meredith raise their eyebrows at her

Mark: "Hey, he here yet?"

Arizona: "If you're talking about Calliope's dad, then the answer is, I don't know. 'Cause I'm not going to meet him because we just started dating and it's way too soon."

Sky: "And Callie's okay with that?"

Arizona: "Yeah, he, her idea. The man's here for one day, then he's gone. No muss, no fuss." they watch as Callie gets off the elevator with her dad behind her

Callie: "Run. Run for your life." she tells George when she sees him coming their way

George: "What do you mean, run for my life?"

Mark: "Woah." he mutters as her dad throws George against the wall 

Callie: "Dad!" 

Mr. Torres: "Give me one reason I shouldn't kill you right now."

Callie: "Dad, stop it."

Mr. Torres: "He committed adultery."

Callie: "Who hasn't? I slept with him before we were divorced. So technically, George isn't the only one who cheated" she points to Mark and watches as her dad let's go of George before putting Mark in his place "Oh, God."

Mr. Torres: "Give me one good reason I shouldn't kill you right now."

Mark: "Mark Sloan. Pleasure to meet you." he rasps out 

Callie: "Dad, Mark is just a friend. He has a girlfriend. Her" she points to Sky who waves slightly at the man "I...I'm happy now, okay? I'm...I'm dating someone now, and I'm happy, okay?"

Mr. Torres: "So you're dating again? Well, that's good. That's healthy. I'd like to meet this new gentleman suitor." he let's Mark go and he moves over to Sky who gives him a teasing smile

Sky: "You okay?"

Mark: "Be quiet." he mutters as he walks away and she snickers a little 

Callie: "Yeah. Yeah, no. Sh...they're pretty busy, 'cause they're a doctor here. But, would love them. You'll love them, because they're...they're smart and funny and both handsome and...and...and beautiful and...and very supportive" she sighs out "Daddy...please be okay with this" she grabs Arizona and brings her to stand in front of her dad "Dad...this is Arizona Robbins. This is who I'm dating now."

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