Maybe you should have stayed. II

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14 years later...

Peter rushed in from school, he had just a year and half left before he would leave for collage. Just a month after Tony left, he forgot about him, having no clue who he was. He knew Steve had been married but he didn't know what happened between them, but it didn't matter. 

Steve has always and will always be his Dad, no matter what, all Peter needed to know was that he had a loving family and a roof over his head.

He'd grown to see Bucky as his second Father figure in his life, Wanda, Nat and Peter all being his mother. Bucky and Wanda had gotten married when Peter was just 8. 

"Hey dad, i'm just stopping, i've got to-" But Steve cut him off calmly 

"Can you come in here a second Pete? Please"

"Sure?" Peter said dropping his bag by the door as he retracted his steps, he could tell he was about to be given some news, good or bad? he didn't know.

Peter walked in to see Steve stood with a man. 

He didn't know where, but he had a feeling he'd seen him somewhere before, but he couldn't have.

"Peter this is Tony, he's gonna be hanging round here for a while, i just wanted to let you know just in case-"

"Dad, it's okay" Peter smiled, "Welcome" Peter said sticking his hand out, Tony taking it to shake it. 

This was who his son had grown into, a perfect gentleman.

"Nice to meet you Peter"

"You too Tony"

Peter knew that maybe their was something more than Tony just hanging round for a while, he knew his dad and he knew when he like liked someone.

Peter soon rushed out, placing on his suit before leaving through his window. He had been bitten when he was just 14, Steve found out when Peter turned 16 and found the suit in his room which he had made him self in his own lab. 

Once Steve was sure Peter had left he turned to look at Tony

"You've raised him well" Tony spoke softly

"What are you doing back here Tony?"

"I made a mistake, as soon as i left i wanted to come back but i knew that i couldn't, Peter deserved the best in life and that was you and the team"

"He need you too Tony, so many night he asked about you, when was you coming home? When was you coming to eat tea with us? When was you going to read him his bed time story?"

"I know, and that's why i'm here, to make things right"

Peter sat on top of one of the buildings, that feeling you get when you've seen someone before but you know you've never seen them. That was the feeling Peter currently had. 

Over the next few weeks Peter and Tony grew closer, they all did as a family. Peter still didn't know that Tony was once his father but it wasn't needed, not just yet anyway. Steve knew his son and he didn't want him to hate Tony for what he did, Steve just wanted to protect Peter from the hurt he could suffer. 

Tony was stood with Peter in his old lab, working on little things he had slowly started to create. 

"Your really good at this, are you sure you've not gone to MIT?" Tony asked him as he picked up hardware plate with interconnecting wires.

Peter shook his head as he picked up a screwdriver, "I'm sure, i guess i've always just had a knack for it"

Steve was stood at the door, leaning against it's frame. He smiled as he watched Tony interact with his son. Steve caught Tony's eye, smiling towards his husband, since they never really got divorced, yes Steve had filed for it, but every time he went to sign, he couldn't, his heart told him not to. Just last week Tony found the wedding ring he'd left. 

Steve looked down towards Tony's hand noticing a gold wedding band around his finger.

"Having fun?" Steve said as he walked in

"Yeah, i finally managed to get the data configurations right" Peter replied

"He's really smart, do you know his IQ?" Tony asked Steve 

"No, i actually don't" Steve said giving a small, slightly confused, smile.

Soon enough, Bucky came down to the lab, trying to find them. 

"So this is where you've been" He smirked

They all stood talking for a while until, Peter's phone buzzed, pulling it out of his pocket, he read over the text smiling. 

"Who's the girl?" Bucky smirked knowing Peter had a secret girlfriend

"No-one" he said as he moved towards the door, "Don't worry, i'll be back soon, love you dad, bye Tony, Bye Buck"

"Don't have too much fun!" Bucky shouted from the door

"Shut up!" Peter shouted back knowing he was trying to wind him up, Peter jogged down the hall

"How did you know it was her?" Steve asked

"Because he pulls the same stupid face every time, me and Nat have a bet going, how long will it take for us to meet her, please don't tell Wanda"

"I think she already knows" Steve chuckled

Once they headed back up for tea, it wouldn't be long before it wouldn't be so happy in the end. 

It had gotten to 8pm and Peter still wasn't back and Steve was starting to get worried

"He'll be okay, he's a teenager and a smart kid, he'll be okay" Tony encouraged, trying not to worry

"He usually calls by now" Steve said

"He'll be with MJ, let him have his fun" Bucky said as he lay with Wanda in his arms

"How do you know her name?" Nat asked, almost glaring at him

"Peter let it slip just last week"

"I hate you"

"Love you too Nat" Bucky smiled winding her up, they were like brother and sister so it was common to find them pretending to argue and hate one another.

"Give it 5 minuets and call him" Wanda told Steve, "he might be on his way home, he's probably just dropping MJ off"

"Maybe your right" Steve said sitting back down, but each and every passing second, Steve worried more and more

"Who's this MJ girl anyway?" Sam asked looking towards Bucky 

"His secret girlfriend" Bucky told him

"Is that why he smiles everytime he's texting?"

Bucky nodded.

"I knew it" Sam smiled knowing he was right. 

5 minuets finally passed and Steve stood up walking over towards the kitchen island picking up his phone, it had been raining for the past half hour and was getting heavier as time passed, he didn't want Peter getting a cold out in that weather. 

"I'm calling him" Steve said as he picked up his phone

"No need" a voice said at the door


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