5. Raven Grimoire

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All the thugs are frozen in place as they watch their mate been kicked on the right side of his face with a roundhouse kick, yelping while his body was thrown away at the side.

" Tsk. "

Sarang was shocked as she witnessed the incident. Sarang was trying to escape and so the man tried to jump on to trap her but somebody kicked him on the face. She was delighted though upon learning that the kick was from Jimin, confidently standing in thesame dark alley infront of her. The fear she felt awhile ago was swept away as she let herself sob into the embrace of his dada, faintly smiling, felt safe and relieved.

" Gary, are you okay?! " Someone yells, and a groan was heard from the corner. " You, go check on him. Faster! " He yells again, this time Jimin concluded that he was the leader. His two men immediately went to that corner of the alley where the groaning and low coughs are coming from.

" He's spitting blood. He doesn't look good boss. " One of the men reported the condition of the one who got kicked. He has to describe it because that part of the alley isn't visible to the eyes, it's dark.

" What?! " The leader growls. Jimin immediately pulled Sarang and situates her behind his back for safety reason. " How the hell is that possible?! He got kicked by a short person! " The man added eyeing Jimin this time. " And a petite one. He is nothing but an ordinary boy wearing a loose pants and big hoody. " Jimin snorted at the description. " Did you really kick him? " He asks Jimin in an accusatory tone. That he was trying to argue with his eyes that witnessed it and his head that is yet denying thesame.

" Yes, I did. " Jimin casually replied. No trace in his voice that he was afraid to any of them nor regretting what he did.

" Why the hell did you do that?! "

Jimin carefully held Sarang in place preventing her to even take a peek at these thugs, as he reluctantly answers. " If I didn't, he will gonna crush the girl. "

" Why did you stop Gary?! " The man shouted again, not accepting Jimin initial reason.

Jimin lips curled upward as he spits a low tsk. Who the fvck is Gary?! Well, whatever. " So if I am going to attack one of your men, and you stopped me. Then I will ask you, why did you stop me? " Jimin mocks the man to make a point out of his own silly question.

" Are you making fun of me?! " The man growls as he move forward making Jimin pushed Sarang a little away from his body.

" Maybe. " Jimin retorted.

" You'll gonna pay for this! " Jimin saw the man motioning his men to attack him. This alerted Jimin taking advantage of the gap yet, as he orders Sarang to run.

" Go to the brighter side, don't ask and don't look back. Understood? " He calmly instructed Sarang. The tone he used intimidates the little girl as she obeys Jimin without protesting or demanding some explanation. She did what was asked of her. She didn't even realize that Jimin slings her bag on her.

" I will kill you! " The one who first reached Jimin points his knife at him.

" If you are going to threaten me with the knife, might as well stab me a little. Or I will. " As Jimin finished suggesting it, he grabs the knife quickly that even the person holding didn't have the chance to get shocked because a pain on his leg consumes his system instead. He was stabbed by Jimin. " Ooppss. " Jimin tilts his head as he pretends to check the knife buried on the man's leg, feigning innocence.

" Aaaahhhh! " Cries the man as he fell on the ground, quickly holding his leg that has blood spurting from it. " Fvck you! " He curses as he felt the pain, leg slowly feeling numb.

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