Chapter. 6

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Suho has been pestering me for months ever since I got my job. How many times should I decline him about going out? First, he's no longer my type. Second, we work together, it will draw attention to us and our co-employees will start to gossip. In addition to that he's from the higher management. I don't want any complications at work.

How I wish we aren't working on the same hotel. He keeps ruining my day. I thought it's about time to stop working from a cruise ship since I am always away from home. So when Wendy emailed me about the open position even we're not friends I took the offer right away. Wendy works here too at JW Marriott and she's the HR Manager here. I don't know how did she got my email or informations that I am a pastry chef. She told me they badly needed a pastry chef since the one I replaced will migrate in Ukraine. She offered me thrice the actual job salary and told me the benefits of getting the job. She didn't really need to convince me that much. I also wanted to be around my family.

Now that I already became a regular here and loving the environment including the management except for Suho who happens to be the Finance Director. I already promise to myself that I'll keep this job. I have slowly adopted with the routine too and the rest of the pastry chefs here are way cool to work with.

Going back with Suho, for the first time after all these years he finally given his attention to me. Yes as in so much attention which I wish will cease sooner. It's not fluttering my heart at all instead it annoys me. Just the sight of him coming towards my direction my mood then starts to switch. I tried to politely ask him to stop but he just couldn't listen. He would just tell me how much he loves me and all those flowery words. Probably because I am no longer the Big Fat Bae he used to ignore in our campus. Of course, I won't ever fall for those words. I know what kind of a man he is. Lisa had been telling me before but I didn't listen to her. Now I realize how much she cared for me but I kept ignoring her feelings.

Actually Lisa played a big role in my life. She is my BIG WHY. She's the reason why I decided to be healthy and stick to my diet routine. I miss her a lot that all I did back then was to cry my heart out and regret not chasing the love of my life until she finally left me for good. The first few weeks were the hardest. I couldn't even sleep nor eat. Seulgi had to witness a fat bunny crying her heart out, putting a lot of blame to myself. I must looked terrible. Glad Seulgi was able to stand by me. That was my first heart break. LMAO as if Lisa and I had a relationship. Why did I feel that she broke up with me? Who's fault was this in the first place?

For Seulgi, she's a good friend who never abandon me. Whenever I don't eat she got her "Lisa will get angry at you card, Lisa will hate seeing you ugly or sick, Lisa loves the Big Fat Bae." She never fails to encourage me. So I pulled myself together and I started seeing a private coach for health and wellness program. I also have pilates session thrice a week. I jumbled my life between all that stuff and school works. My sister Taeyeon also helped monitoring my strict diet.
She kept pushing me that I need to do this for myself not only for Lisa. And reminding me as well that Lisa just loves me unconditionally so even I don't make any efforts she's just the same Lisa who's whipped for me.

Gradually I lose weight and become totally healthy. My mindset is also change. I still love eating. And I am allowed to eat as many as I want but afterwards I'll make sure I'll hit the thread mill. I love running and sweating a lot gives me a satisfaction that I am really healthier compared before.

I wanted to be the best version of myself once Lisa and I met. I want to tell her that she inspires me to live healthy and fully because I don't want to die early. Afraid of diseases I may got from being overweight and due to obesity. I want to live longer and and spend old age with Lisa.

My story of being fat is not a secret to anyone here at work. I let people know about it so they will be inspired with my story. They said that true love is truly powerful that it could move a mountain and river. I even showed them my old photos. They were so shocked with the difference. Some said that I already looked pretty even I was big but being healthy like this is way better and hot. I don't really see myself hot as they are trying to tell me. I just wanted to be healthy. People are also intrigue who's the person behind my determination. I just simply said my monkey best friend. Only chosen friends know that I am in love with Lisa. I don't really like telling Lisa's name. That's how selfish I am. They might search for her on sns and start to girl crushing over her.

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