Backstory Chapter 1

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You opened your eyes in the dark room as you heard a shout. You hopped out of bed and heard the sound of metal against metal.

You looked down in surprise at your armor, you must have forgotten about it when you fell asleep.

You felt a sudden urge to grab your helmet, so you picked it up from a small table and peeked through the door.

"Pre! Don't you understand? We have a good reputation, don't ruin this because you don't like the Duchess!" Your mother yelled.
"Satine will ruin the name Mandalorian! We won't have our reputation if she continues to rule!" Your father's words were like nails on a chalkboard.

Your mother looked your father in the eyes.
"You're not the man I love, you're a madman." Your mother turned away from him. "I don't think I can stay here."

Your father's face turned from shocked, to angry as he took out a small handle. He ignited it and you stared in horror.

You stared as the fear melted all over you. This was just a nightmare, this was not real!

The Darksaber flowed in the darkness as your father stabbed it through your mother. She laid on the floor dead as your father shook his head.

"You didn't have to die," He whispered to her.
Then he looked up and saw you watching.

"Hey (y/n), come here," He said. "It's okay."
You slowly approached him as he smiled.
"What's going on Dad?" You asked.
"Your mother made a bad decision," He said. "But I have an idea."

Pre Vizsla smiled at you over your mother's dead body. "We are going to be the best team ever and we will overthrow Satine and bring back Mandalore's honor!"

You stared at your father with fear. He was different. You had to stop this.
"No," You said.
"What did you say?" He asked.
"I said no," You said, an 8 year old talking to a grown man. "I'm not going to betray Mandalore."

Pre Vizsla looked at you and raised his blade again.
"Have it your way," Your father prepared to kill you too when you through your hands over your head causing your father to go flying.

You stared in shock before running outside to where your father's ship waited. You ran towards it but stopped when a chilling voice spoke behind you.

"I knew it," Your father said to you. "You have the gift."
"What are you talking about?" You asked.
"You have the gift of the force, like your ancestor, Tarre Vizsla." Pre Vizsla smiled.

Other Mandalorian soldiers began to surround you and the ship.
"Come with us (y/n), I can teach you the ways of the force." Pre Vizsla said.

"No, you're not my father," You said running into the ship and closing the hatch.

You started the ship and took off leaving your life behind.

Hi everyone, so this chapter was deleted so I had to do a rewrite so if it looks rushed that's why. Sorry. So not an update.

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