Chapter 14

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Monae's pov

I woke up to my head pondingI looked around not knowing where I was . It looked like a basement. There were rats crawling and roaches to I crawled In a ball . I was hook to a chain that was connected to a pole . Soon the basement opened and a man walked downstairs.

I got scared and started backing up he had a gun in his hand then when I got a closer look I saw that it was that nigga from the resort.

I started crying because I didn't know what to do .

What do u want from me I said while crying .

"It's your bitch ass boyfriends fault" he said laughing

"Your boyfriend killed my homie and he was all I have left , we were pose to be bro's but now that's over with he's a bitch and since he killed who I lived now it's his turn to feel how I felt . I'm gonna kill who he loves."

He started laughing which made me cry harder because I don't know what I got myself into .
I wonder what Dave was doing , was he even looking for me , did he even care , does he even know I'm gone , so meant thoughts ran through my head I didn't know what to think I just prayed he was looking for me .

The next day

Dave's pov

I rolled over seeing Moane not there she's probably went to the bathroom but she wasn't in there , she was know where to be found I called her phone but it went straight to voicemail I was confused as hell because she not like this she wouldn't ignore me . So now I started getting worried so I sat there texting her realizing my shit won't going through.

 So now I started getting worried so I sat there texting her realizing my shit won't going through

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I then grabbed the room key and went to the elevator.

3 minutes later

I was finally off the elevator and lots of people greeted me but I won't in the mood I was worried about her . As I was approaching the car I saw a little bit of blood on the car and her phone on the ground cracked . All I thought in my head was what the fuck . I pulled out my phone and called my homeboys for them to get in my private jet and fly here cause now ima have to kill a nigga . I called all em and then gon be here less then 3 hours .

Unknown POV -

I went back down to the basement where she was and admire how fine she was so you know I thought nothing bout the best and took her chains off and of course she fought me until I slapped her cold and carried her out the. Basement into a bedroom and laid her down the left the room to get a bucket of cold water and poured it on her  she woke up instantly.

Moane's pov -

I blacked out and the net thing I felt was cold water get splashed on me . I woke up instantly, he started smiling and and started walking towards me I instantly shook my head no and he crawled on the bed as I was backing up starting to cry . He then grabbed me and slammed me on the bed and I screamed and screamed for help.

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