Chalter 55

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I looked up and couldn't believe my eyes . Monae finally woke up .

I jumped up rushing to go get a nurse then came back .

Baby your awake, how you feeling you okay?

"Y-you l-eft me"

Baby I-

"You left me, you weren't there for me"

Baby it's not like-

"L-leave me alone" she said turning away from me .

I was lost of words I knew she hated me , I left her and couldn't be there when she was going through all that alone . Everybody was in the waiting room so I went to tell them .

Y'all she woke up I said barely smiling. Everybody rushed to the elevator but Gianna stayed back.

"Hey let's take a walk"

I just nodded and we walked outside

"What's wrong what happened?"

She woke up and remember I left her, she doesn't wanna talk to me . She told me to leave her alone I said walking to a near bench and me and her sat down as I just sat there in so much pain .

"It's gonna be okay she's just mad right now, she doesn't know what she needs to do, give her time."

I just sat there nodding my head

"Hey look at me"

I turned my head and looked at her

I gotchu

I nodded my head and turned away and stood up.

We should get back


She said leading the way.

Moanes room

We finally got back to the room and everybody was there sitting with her as she laid  there watching tv . Once she heard the door she saw me and instantly turned her head back to the tv. I just took a deep breathe and sat by the door so everybody could have they time with her.

5 minutes later

Herbo came and sat by me .

"You okay man"

Yeah I'm good here take my keys I need you to go to my house and grab me some clothes .

"Ight i gotchu"

Ight thanks man

"You welcome, while we out we gon get some food , Whatchu want and don't say nothing cause we gon end up giving u something"

Just get me some Chick-fil-A, I want some waffle fries and a 10 piece of the chicken nuggets and a chicken sandwich no tomatoes and I want a large vanilla milkshake.

"Ight fat ass I gotchu we'll be back"


It was just me Lauren and moane it was quiet . Lauren was taking a nap and moane was staring at the wall as she does when somethings wrong. I took a deep breathe. There was a knock on the door and one of the doctors came in giving her some food and her medicine.

Since she was good they gave her food outside of the hospital so she ate some McDonald's, her favorite spot. I chuckled because she got happy over her food . The doctor asked to speak to me outside and I nodded my head going outside the room.

"She's doing a lot better but we wanna keep her to make sure nothing else happens like that coma did, we will keep her for about another week or two and she will be able to go but like the other doctor said she's gonna be in a wheelchair and Your mainly gonna have to do everything for her and u gotta be patient with her while she's going through this."

I nodded and we talked a little more until the door open and closed .

"Hey I'm gonna head out , I'll be back after work tomorrow."

Alright take care I said giving her a side  hug and she left.

Me and the doctor finished talking and I went back inside sitting down , Eventually falling asleep

40 minutes later

Herbo and Gianna came back with my food and stuck around for a little longer and then decided to go home he said they'd be back around noon time tomorrow . I said my goodbyes and they left . I ate my food and and went next to moane to give her a kiss but she moved her head away from me .

Come one baby I'm so sorry , I do t know what I was thinking

"Save it"

I just took a deep breathe and went in the couch and laid down eventually falling asleep.

I know short chapter but it was kinda a part two from the last chapter

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