Ashes To Ashes

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Smacking my dry lips together I begin to wake up. Before I opened my eye's i continued to just lie there trying to pull myself together. Slowly the event's of yesterday came back to me. I recall Duel talking to the girl who's name is forbidden to say and our heated argument. The hurt was still new and I still felt a deep pang in my chest.

Once I came home my emotions became too much for me to handle alone and it wasn't like I could talk to my parent's about it and hear them say we told you so. I felt livid and wanted to sob out loud all at once. It felt as I my world was crashing down around me. Not just that, but I was scared. These past few week's with Duel I hadn't been myself. Our relationship was a whirlwind and I found myself so enamored by him. So much so that I had started slipping in school and acting out of character. This wasn't good for me, he wasn't good for me but I loved him. However I know that letting him go would be the best move.

During my meltdown last night I called an old guy friend. We went out and had some drinks and he listened to me as I whined. There was nothing to it other than I didn't want to be alone and Petra was too wrapped up in her new boyfriend to be bogged down by me. Judging by how I'm feeling right now I think I drink more than I should have. In fact I don't even remember how or when I got home.

The a sudden alarm sounded off in my head. Today was Friday and I had school. Opening my eye's to check the time I sat up quickly as my body protested and shrieked. "Oh no".

It was after ten in the morning and I was late. As I went to get up and quickly dress a note on my pillow caught my attention. Picking it up I skimmed over it. "You wouldn't get up this morning so I allowed you to stay home. Once you feel better please clean your room. Love mom".

Wow, that's not like her so she must really think I'm sick. Wait, clean my room? My room is always tidy so what is she talking about? I just need a shower and some food then I'll feel human again. Scooting off the bed I stood up and immediately looked at my floor. "What in the world?" I wondered .

I had stepped on a grey powdery substance that seemed to be scattered all over my floor. "What did I do last night?" I asked myself .

Bending down I picked some up. It was very fine and seemed to smudge my fingers. For the life of me I couldn't figure out what it was so I brought it to my nose for a smell. "Eww".

Whatever it was it had a smoking smell. It was like a bunch of ashtrays had been dumped in my room. Wiping my hand off on my shorts, I shrugged then went to shower. Afterwards I ate a few slices of bread because my stomach couldn't handle much more then retrieved the vacuum from the cleaning closet. As soon as I turned the vacuum on the substance on the floor floated up in the air like dust making me cough. It took some time to suck it all up and afterwards I had to dust my furniture because many particles went flying. Needless to say, I had to empty the vacuum bag because it was so full and my mom would be livid. As I dumped the bag in the outside trash it flew up around me causing me to cough again. Man, I should have waited to shower.

Once bag inside I plopped on my bed and switched the television on. No sooner than I did my phone buzzed. "Call me. I know that you aren't at school. Please talk to me. I'm sorry."

Fighting the urge to call, I switched my phone off and fell into a restless sleep. I woke up right before dinner and was actually hungry. Mom had made a casserole and after wolfing some down I phoned Petra. She agreed to pick me up and soon I was at the quarry. After chatting with my friend's I felt the need to be alone so I wandered off and took a seat on a rock that overlooked the water. Lost in my thoughts I knew that I needed to talk to Duel just to let him no that I was done. No sooner than that thought popped up I heard my name being whispered. "Chelly."

I didn't bother to answer or look up as he came to stand by me. Without asking he sat beside me. "I'm sorry melon. I know what I did was wrong and I should have told her about you. Please forgive me".

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