They Made Me Into A Weapon

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Hello love's! Hope you haven't been waiting too long! I wanted to give you some time to absurd what could possibly be happening here! Thanks for all of the comments..loved them and enjoyed the guesses, assumptions and shock! Now here we go again!

Choke them on the ashes of the dreams that they burned. Bury them in the grave that they dug for us. This was my only thought as I relived the reality that was now. To watch everything that we as a family built crumble down around my ankles and there wasn't a damn thing I could do to stop it. For the first time ever this was beyond my control, I was blindsided. But now with a hate deeper than where the core of the earth lies and a thirst for revenge so strong that if I dared take a sip of water steam would rise, I dusted off my heels and righted my crown... I am the second coming.....

                                                                                         The queen

Retirement is such a fruitless word... Well for me anyways. It's true, once you enter this life there is no way out other than death. It's as if fate enjoys teasing me. Here, have fun, live normal now, enjoy life finally. Oh, wait, watch this. You seemed bored, let me blow your world up again and destroy your plans for a peaceful life. Well jokes on you this time fate... I will have my fucking happy ending or die trying.

Everything was perfect but it usually is when something bad is about to happen. I should've known this and been better alert. Instead I chose to sit back and watch my lovely daughter remarry the love of her life. I was so engrossed and teary eyed at watching Miri make her entrance that I never saw it coming until it was too late. A bang rang out and my precious daughter was drenched in her in blood as my husband shoved me to the floor ordering me to stay put as he darted off to defend us all.

Naturally I rose up just a bit to examine what was going on but I lost sight of everyone due to the smoke and chaos. There was just too many people running about frantically. From the fog Samantha ran up to me nearly passing me by. "Laney, what do we do?"

Shaking the shock off I forced myself to remain calm and in charge. "Make a run to London's secret room. If you see any of us along the way take them with you. Lock the door and only open it if only you hear four knocks. I've got to find Miri but if I'm not there within five minutes run down the tunnel and get out of here".

Sam looked scared. "But Laney  I can't leave you".

" Do as I say. Now go, time's wasting". I ordered and pushed her toward the hall where our room was.

Soon as Sam disappeared into the fog, I sought out to find Miri... Or any of us. I was lucky enough to spot Dem save Demy from a few cop's but he had ran back off into the chaos before I could get to him and yelling would be no use, I wouldn't be heard over the gunfire. Instead I ran to Demy and grabbed her by the arm. "Where are the younger girl's?" I asked hurriedly .

"I told them to hide in the janitors closet". She cried.

By younger girl's I meant Jenell who was Miri and Cole's youngest. Then there was Malinn who was Ari and Armini's daughter as well as Eliza who belonged to Armini and Ivy. "Get them and rush to my room here. Your mom will be waiting. Knock four time's. Now hurry, she won't wait long". Rushing Demy off I continued my search.

I ran this way and that but there was just too much commotion. As I was looking ahead hoping to spot London or Dem or any familiar face at this point I stumbled over something and crashed to the floor. Ignoring my injured knew I looked to see what had tripped me up. Gasping, I saw my baby lying so still drenched in her on blood. Alice had a tight grip on Miri's wrist as she tried to drag her to safety. Pushing my concern for Miri aside I spoke to Alice. "Let's get her to the restaurant" .

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