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By the time I reached New York the sun was barely peeking over the horizon. Ditching the stolen car, I set out on foot. The streets were already busy with people rushing off to work or taking their morning jog. Blending in here wouldn't be difficult at all. Stepping into a nearby diner for a bite to eat, I realized just how tired I was. After scarfing down some eggs and bacon with a coffee I exited the place and headed for my next destination.

As my feet tred over familiar ground memories flooded me. How many time's had I walked this very sidewalk with my parent's and family? Yet now it seemed so long ago. A tightness seized my chest as I got closer, until I was standing before it. Something so tall and powerful that it even gleamed and reflected the sky off of it. Now it looked hollowed out, empty and dark. Litter was scattered about the spectacular entrance doors and off to one side graffiti spoiled the beautiful marble foundation. At one time no one would dare deface this property out of fear and respect but now it sat vacant and a victim to neglect and squatters. Then in a flash it all came back to me. I arched my neck to look up at the gold lettering above the entrance and there it was... The name that stood for power, respect and danger... Harper.

At one time this building stood so elegantly,graceful but now it was showing the effects of loneliness, however that name etched in gold above the entrance still shown bright and promising. Looking around, I crept down the side of the building to gain entrance away from prying eye's. A few of the lower windows had been knocked out by rocks and such, probably by unruly kid's or homeless seeking shelter. Still, it unnerved me to see my home, my family's legacy treated in such a way.

Crouching down, I slide in through an already busted window. My feet landed on concrete in what we called the basement. Knowing every inch of this building like the back of my hand, I made my way over to a row of cabinets. There was a flashlight always kept here in case of power outages or other emergencies. Finding it, I switched it on and shown the light around. The amount of cob webs and dust surprised me. Even though this was used as a basement it had always been kept immaculate. Now the unused furniture and other odds and ends that were stored down here were covered in a layer of dirt.

It wasn't long before I made my way up the stairs to the main floor or what we called the lobby. Obviously the power had been cut off since our capture so using the elevator was out of the question. It was brighter up here due to the sunlight streaming through the windows and doors so there was no need for my flashlight. Switching the light off, I tucked the flashlight into the pocket of my jeans. The once shiny marble floors were now dull and dusty. Paper's laid scattered about forgotten. The front desk looked as if it had been ransacked and the phone dangled by it's cord. No doubt the cop's tore everything apart while searching for dirt on us. Taking a deep breath I turned toward the hidden staircase that led to the den. Upon entering a sickness filled my gut. A place that normally was bustling with business and life was now a ghost town. No chatter, no music or meetings taking place. The aroma of food, cigars and liqueur was now replaced with a closed up musty smell.

Walking around reminiscing about what use to be I smiled. Desks and cabinets laid bare and turned from the investigation but I knew of secret places in this building that no copper could sniff out. The family wasn't stupid, they was always prepared and had hidden places to store vital information, bank records and money. Going toward the large conference room, I stepped in and counted down seven bricks. With the right brick located, I wiggled it free. This opened up to a rather large safe of sorts. Inside laid several million dollars, important document's and land deeds. Finding a large carry out food sack that had probably been left behind by the cop's, I stashed everything into it. Next I made my way to the secret tunnel. I smiled when I discovered that they hadn't uncovered this hideaway. Key's to vehicle still remained but the gun was gone. That's okay, I know just where to find the artillery I need. Deciding to take the key's to my G-pops beloved Porsche, I left. After finding a hotel, I made my way back. With the money and other thing's safe I continued to search my home.

This time I took the stairs to the top floor where we all lived. First I stepped into my home where I had lived with my parent's. A saddness enveloped me as I saw my mother's coat laid over the chair and her favorite coffee mug sitting on the coffee table from her last breakfast here. My Pape's sneakers rested by the door from his morning jog. It was if they would be back anytime. Shaking free from the depressing memories, I moved the area rug in the hall and pushed a hidden button under a decorative table. The floor opened up to a small hidden shelter. This was where an array of weapons were tucked away. Ensuring that they were still there I closed the floor back up then stopped by my old room. Stepping in I glanced all around and never have missed my family more but that's over now. I have no more family. Plopping down on my bed I begin to think about my future and how I would begin. Soon I fell asleep which wasn't surprising. I hadn't slept since I escaped prison.

I can't tell you how long I dozed but everything was now super dark. The night sky shown through the windows and I decided to head back to my hotel for a bite to eat and a shower. As I exited into the hallway a light tapping caught my attention. Immediately I froze and removed the stolen gun from my waistband. The sound seemed to be coming from my Aunt Miri and Cole's apartment. Slowly I inched in that direction. The door was ajar and I quietly slipped in. The noise was stronger now, louder as I was closer. It seemed to be coming from the kitchen. Probably a rat or even a homeless person looking for a scrap however I was on alert. Could be anyone. Stepping in I saw a lone figure searching through the cabinets. "Don't fucking move". I ordered.

The person dropped the can of food that they was holding and slowly stood upright. Instantly I knew by the figure and long hair that it was a girl. "What are you doing? I asked.

" Looking for food. I'm hungry". She spoke.

That voice, I knew that voice. "Zoe?" I questioned .

She spun around and fear filled her face when she recognized me. "I'm so sorry Duel. I never meant for any of this to happen. I promise it wasn't a setup".

I already knew that myself. Her copper boyfriend said as much that night. "Don't sweat it. I know. But how are you here?"

Zoe went on to explain her time being captive and beaten then how she escaped. She didn't think she had killed the cop but was certain that she had taken one of his eye's. Finally she asked why I was there so I went on to explain my plans. "Zoe I must tell you this. I was a fool to turn you down when you came to me. I was so wrong and confused. I chose the wrong woman. It's you that I want and when my empire rises I want you by my side as my queen".

Zoe smiled. "That sounds like the best plan yet Duel".

Walking toward me she wrapped her arm's around me. I thought she was coming in for a kiss but instead I felt her bite me just under my chin claiming me. The girl I had wanted for the longest time was finally claiming me. Soon we found ourselves tangled up on the floor.

Tomorrow starts a new day. I will begin clean up on the building, search out the cop's, collect some men and start my empire. The Harper building will shine again.

Kinda depressing hearing how the Harper building looks now?!?!

Do you think Duel should stay in New York or start somewhere fresh?

Is Duel moving too fast?

What do you think about Duel and Zoe reuniting?

Is Zoe trustworthy and is Duel making a mistake?

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