You Know I Love You So

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Hello babes! Well I just have to let you know about  my last several day's and trust, you can't make this shit In the past week my area has been hit with a hurricane, tornado and a earthquake!! I don't know if I should board my Windows up, seek shelter in a low lying area or stand in a door frame😳😫😵😂😂
2020 can kiss my ass!!!

Anywho I hope everyone is well and thanks for the votes and comments and love hearing from some of my old reader's! Glad knowing that you're still reading!! Love you all!!

Buckle up! Waterworks ahead!

"Hummm...humm.hummm...hummmmm.....hum.....hummm" was the sound I made as I held my babydolls hand.

Thing's haven't been going good, not good at all. A major travesty struck the family that suddenly put all future plans on hold. As if no one cared about finding Duel or getting the Empire back up and running. The only thing that concerned any of us was the health of the fragile woman that laid in bed.

It happened a few month's ago when I discovered that my Porsche has been moved. The signs had been there but she hid them so well and refused to slow down. I'm frustrated with myself for not seeing the signs but I chalked it up to stress and exhaustion. I did find it off how Laney had seemed to back off and allowed me to call the shots. She hadnt battled me over the decisions I had made or even offered her opinion. No, this wasn't like her but I brushed it off. It wasn't until a few day's later that I recognized anything but by then it was too late. Lahey had woken late and when she joined everyone for breakfast I noticed that she looked pale. Naturally I checked on her but she brushed it off, told me it was just lack of sunlight and fresh air.

Taking her seat beside of me I couldn't help but notice a tremble in her hand as she reached for her coffee cup. Stealing a glance in her direction I saw a fine just of sweat on her skin. "Babydoll, are you sure you are well?" I questioned .

"I'm fine London" . She hissed irritable.

I wasn't about to argue with her but after breakfast I had planned on making her see the doctor here but I never got the chance. Midway through eating I felt Laney grasp my arm and weakly say my name. No sooner than I turned she fell over into my arm's. "Laney, Laney". I called but it was obvious that she had fainted.

Scooping her up, I fled to the medical facility here with the family on my heels.  Several tests were run and within twenty-four hour's we had some answers. I've been shot, strung up, beaten, stabbed but nothing hurt nearly as bad as the news the doctor had to give us. My babydolls kidney was failing and failing fast and there was not a damn thing I could do about it. I've always been able to control everything, fix our problems and protect her but now I was helpless. True, she has another kidney but given her age this is a delicate matter. Yes, we were both still healthy and for but our dangerous lifestyle was taken a toll. The many battles and abuse Laney had endured was adding up all at once. As the doctor put it, her body was tired.

Naturally we each tested to see if we were a match but unfortunately none of us was. Even Aiden and the Mariitas tested but no luck. Laney spent more day's in bed now resting but she hasn't gotten out of bed in the past three day's. I see her growing weaker and for the first time I'm truly scared. No longer did any of us discuss plans on rebuilding, instead we took turns sitting with her and spending as much time with her as possible. Right now I'm sitting here holding her hand as she sleeps while I hum our song. Eventually Miri rolled herself in. "Go eat Pape. I'll sit with her".

I hated leaving her but I needed to keep my strength up. Standing, I kissed her hand before placing it gently back by her side. Smiling down at her sleeping face I mumbled to Miri. "Isn't she beautiful?"

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