𝗌𝗂𝗅𝗅𝗒 𝗅𝗈𝗏𝖾 𝗌𝗈𝗇𝗀𝗌

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"All right, guys, I have one word for you

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"All right, guys, I have one word for you. Brittany?" Mr Shue said. "Is it love? I'm totally going to graduate now!" She exclaimed and I chuckled a little at her, holding Noah's hand.

"Valentine's Day is coming up, so for this week's lesson, I want you guys to pick a partner because you're going to sing to them what you think is the world's greatest love song. Find a song that communicates all the things that love means to you. Now, partner up." and we all did what he said.

Finn stood up and stood next to Mr Schue.

"I want to give to a charity, you guys. So, I'm setting up a kissing booth for a dollar a smooch, and donating the proceeds to Glee Club to help-"

"Don't even act like you're trying to help us, you're just trying to kiss a bunch of girls." Mercedes pointed out and I shrugged my shoulders. "I've kissed you, Finn, not worth it but juggle one of your man boobs for $100," Santana told him.

"Santana, stop beings bitch for once," I tell her before leaning my head on Noah's shoulder. "I'm not mean, I'm just honest. You guys love me."

"No, you're just a bitch." Quinn pointed out and we all snickered. "She's right, you told me you were disappointed that me and Medley didn't have a lizard baby." Puck said we all nodded our heads.

"You told me Mr Schue belonged in a 12-step program." Tina also pointed out. "The truth is, Santana, you can dish it out but you can't take it. Maybe you're right, maybe I'm going to get a lead role in Broadway musicals but the only job you're going to get is working on a pole!" Rachel shouted.

Santana stood up, got her bag and walked out.

I wiped my tears and walked up to Noah as everyone cheered and walked out. "Thank you," we both lean in and kiss, I smiled and took his hands and walked out of the choir room.

We all cheered and then watched Artie, Brittany, Tina and Mike be all loved up. We all awed at them before leaving the choir room.

"Well, I did it. I kissed nearly every girl in the school and raised $324 for the Glee Club." Finn said handing the money to Mr Schue, we all noticed how sick he looked as well as Quinn. It could be a sickness bug?

"Now, I believe it's time to hear what the world's greatest love song is to Tina Cohen-Chang." Mr Shue said after him and Finn had sat down.

"Mr Schue, can I be excused? I don't feel well." Finn asked raising his hand. "Me, either. I feel sick." Quinn added on, I covered my mouth because there was no way I was going to get sick and pass it onto Delilah.

"Let me guess. You have a sore throat, your glands are swollen and you're feverish." Santana said I knew exactly what she had done. "Yeah, yeah. Which is why I need to go to the nurse." Finn said I uncovered my mouth.

"You have mono, otherwise, known as the kissing disease but you know what really helps to spread it? A little tongue. Which is weird, because it sounds like Quinn here has it, too."

"I was there when they kissed, it was just a peck."

"So, how about we stop talking about tonguing and Finn and I go to the nurse." Quinn and Finn stood up and walked out, everyone had a disgusted look on their face. "Santana why don't you stop being a selfish bitch and let other people sort their stuff out and you not getting involved," I said.

She shrugged her shoulders and leaned back in her chair. "Who's really the selfish one here? Me, who just helped Sam figure out Quinn is cheating or Quinn, who is cheating." I rolled my eyes before scoffing.

"I don't have time for you anymore, I have stuck by your bitchiness and your criticism for too long and now I've realised I don't care about you. You're self-centred, selfish, mean and a bitch. I feel sorry for anyone that dears to be friends with you." I spat before grabbing my stuff and

A PERFECT MISTAKE, 𝗇𝗈𝖺𝗁 𝗉𝗎𝖼𝗄𝖾𝗋𝗆𝖺𝗇Where stories live. Discover now