The Hero Killer

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I woke up for the second day of internships. I got ready into my Hero costume and saw Todoroki.

"Have a good sleep?" He asked.

I nodded. "Yeah. Did you?"

He nodded. "Yeah."

We met Endeavor in his office again and we set of to patrol the streets. Same as normal. We didn't stop any thugs or theives this time but we did run into some press. They practically full on interviewed us all. We went back to the agency to finish up for the day. We went to bed to woke up for another probably burning day

Time skip brought to you by sleeping

I woke up and got ready again.

Kacchan hasnt textes since the first day. Maybe he's busy.

For some reason we were going to Hosu city. Endeavor never explained why he just said that we were heading to Hosu for some business. We were walking around when people started to scream. I looked to the sky to see fire, there was a shit tone of fire!


Endeavor ran to the scene and we followed behind him. Along with his sidekicks. My phone buzzed and I think Todoroki's did too because he looked at his phone too.

"It's from Midoriya," he muttered to me.

"You got it too?" I asked.

He nodded and we started to run to his location. I think Todoroki yelled something to Endeavor but I didn't listen. I don't really like Endeavor, I will admit he's powerful but he's also kinda a jerk. We soon made it to the allyway's Izuku said he was at. We reached there and saw...THE HERO KILLER: STAIN!?

Tokoroki shot a blast of fire towards him and he jumped out the way.

"Someone else to get in my way, todays been full of distractions." he muttered.

"Make it two someone's," I replied.

"Ahhh if it isn't All Mights Daughter," he smirked.

I ignored his comment.

"Midoriya, you need to give more details in times like this. I was almost too late to stop this guy," Todoroki said.

"Huh? You too Todoroki and Y/N?" Tenya asked.

"How'd you get here? Hold on, your using your left side?" Izuku asked.

"How'd I get here? Good question. Your message took me a while to figure out, next time try to send more than just your specific location. But you're not really one to send cryptic messages without a reason are you!" He replied.

Todoroki froze an ice path below stain but he jumped out the way. I ran to Stain and shot and explosion at him. He dodged.

"You're just what they said you were. But I don't think we can allow you to take anymore lives, Hero Killer: Stain," I smirked.

"Guys! You can't let that guy get your blood! I-I think he controls his enemies actions by swallowing it! That's how he got us!" Izuku yelled.

"I've heard of that quirk before, Blood Curdle. Am I correct?" I asked.

He looked shocked. "It won't stop you by knowing my quirk!"

"Oh but I now know your weaknesses," I replied.

"He ingests blood to keep people from moving, that explains the blades. All we've gotta do is keep our distance," Todoroki said.

In a flash a knife was thrown slicing the side of Todoroki's cheek. I gasped in shock.

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