Chapter 3

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Ever since the day Levi rescued me, I have never felt this free in my entire life. None of his men came after me and it has been months since then. The nights I spent with them were the most memorable of all; every single minute, every laugh, and even the littlest detail that covered the moment was worth treasuring.

      Maybe leaving that house was not a bad decision after all. I smiled. Never did it cross my mind to think how my father's doing. I'm not going back to that place now, never.

       And my friendship with Levi grew stronger over these past few months as it did with Farlan and Isabel. I sighed, placing down my cup of coffee while I listen to the conversations.

      "I had to kill him!" Isabel stated, "He was a known murderer after all."

      "Well I killed one of the biggest druglords around!" Farlan bragged.

      Oh, so they're bragging their kill values.

      "But no one can beat Levi here," Farlan said, "Whoever it is, as long as it benefits us, he'd kill without hesitance."

      Come to think of it, I did remember the countless of people Levi killed. Whatever the status, no matter how superior, things are just different here in the Underground. I continued watching them silently since I haven't even killed a single soul. Why? Simply because everyone deserved to live, no matter what they do in life. Killing was just not in my vocabulary.

      "How 'bout you, Sev?" Farlan turned to me. "You're the second best fighter around."

      I chuckled, "Fighter. Not killer, Farlan. I actually haven't killed anyone. I don't enjoy it too."

      "That's kinda ironic for someone who hangs out with Big Bro for 8 years now." Isabel commented as I only brought myself to laugh.

      "I don't buy it," Farlan opposed, "surely you've killed atleast one before.

      "It's true." Levi spoke, making us turn our attention to him. "The closest she can get to killing was knocking them out."

      "How would you even know, Levi?" I questioned.

      "I was always there to see it, idiot." He retorted, making the duo laugh. I rolled my eyes, smiling at another treasured moment.

      Levi cleared his throat, silencing the room. "It's time catch some thugs and bring them to Jan. Get your gears and head out."

      We all nodded and readied ourselves.

My eyes met Levi's, waiting for his signal to part paths. He abruptly halted ontop of the rooftop with me behind while Isabel and Farlan were on different buildings.

      "He's the fastest in their group, can you take him? You're the fastest runner," Levi said, pointing to a target who was a blond man, "And drive him to the alley we'll rendezvous, got it?" Levi instructed, "If possible, lessen the use of the 3DMG to avoid the Military Police."

      "Yeah, okay." I replied.

      "The other targets are a block or two from here, you sure you'll be fine?" He asked, a hint of concern in his monotone voice.

      "Levi, we've been doing this for years," I said, "I'll be fine."

      He nodded and walked to the other edge of the building, turning his gaze to mines, Farlan's, and Isabel's from different buildings.

      I watched him, waiting for the signal, then he tossed the rock below him and dived down, so did we.

      I slid down the rooftops, catching the target's attention. He saw me coming and started running. I landed on the ground with a graceful somersault and started sprinting at full speed, knocking over stalls and pushing people away.

      He turned to a wrong street that takes him far to the rendezvous point, I quickly grappled my hooks and maneuvered infront of him, blocking his path. He then quickly ran back and headed to the right direction, I smirked as I ungrappled my hooks and was on my feet again.

      I can see the alley from a near distance already, to see that Levi and the others still haven't arrive.

      I guess I'll be the first then. He was about to turn to another alley when I purposely kicked the crates down to block him, leaving the man no choice but run to the rendezvous point.

      And finally shadows covered us as I successfully lead him into the dead end. "Nowhere to run to now." I smirked, approaching the man.

      I can barely see his reaction, but I can sure sense he's terrified. Then he was charging towards me, a knife in hand. I calmly stepped to the side, grabbing his arm and kicked him to the floor.

      He quickly got to his feet and threw a sloppy punch which made me dodge easily as I landed a punch on his jaw. I grabbed him by his collar, kicking him repeatedly as he slumped to the floor.

      He's probably unconscious already. I thought to myself, turning on my heel. Now to see who comes in second--

      I was cut off as I was tackled to the ground by the man who I thought was unconscious. I struggled underneath him, about to kick his crotch. . .when he flashed the familiar maniac smile.

      A small light shone down on him, and it was a face I haven't seen in months -- one of my father's men, one of those who harassed me and took away my dignity.

      My body froze as my knees grew weak and my hands started to tremble.

      He forcibly grabbed my face with his familiar, rough hands. "Severine," he hissed, a smile on his filthy face. "Who would've thought I'd see you again. . .and I must say, you're still as beautiful as ever."

      My eyes widened as everything around me stopped. It was happening again. I then felt rough lips forcing themselves inside mines. I muffled screams, tears running down my face.

      "S-stop. . ." I sobbed as he left his lips on mine. Then I felt his hands starting to unbutton my shirt, the cool air sweeping my half-bare chest.

      "You missed this?" He sneered, licking my neck.

      I sobbed harder, trying to get myself to move. Levi. . .Farlan. . .Isabel. . .help me. . .
I squeezed my eyes shut, unable to do anything. W-why can't I move? Help me please. . .

      Every second felt like an hour and it was killing me; slowly drowning my breath away. My breathing became labored as I can feel my body getting weaker and weaker. . .



      I slowly opened my eyes, hearing that feminine voice. Then I heard punches, kicks, and banging. "L-Levi?" I mumbled weakly, watching the raven-haired man beating the guy to death.

       I heard footsteps approaching me and my blurry vision barely made out Isabel and Farlan's faces.

       Then I felt my body being lifted up by a strong pair of arms, wrapping me in warm clothing.

      And I passed out.


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