Chapter 32

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I gritted my teeth as swiftly zipped through the trees. The person behind the Female Titan was able to escape by calling for titans and to hide within them.

For now, all I know is that she took this path as the dead bodies of my squadmates were lying everywhere.

Gunther's body hung in his own gear while his decapitated head faced upside down. I passed by Eld's lifeless, bloody body below the trees, also seeing Oluo's, then I took a glance of Petra's small body smashed against the tree.

My heart raced as I desperately searched for Sara, but to no luck, I haven't seen her.

Where could she be? She is not dead. She won't die that easily. I reassured myself in my mind.

"Ackerman," I called out to Mikasa who flew beside me who was also desperate in saving Eren. "Have you seen Wielth?" I asked in a stoic manner.

She faced me with a glare, "She's not important right now!"

Not important? I growled mentally.

"It's Eren we need to save! If you would've done your damn job right, none of this would have happened." She hissed.

"Tch." I ignored her rants and decided to focus on the task at hand. "She's slowing down, back off a bit." I reversed my other blade, making it face back as I readied myself to launch--


A swift movement of the 3DMG flew past us along with the strong gust of wind it carried. Our eyes followed a certain raven-haired woman zipping infront of us with inhuman speed, effortlessly dodging every tree.

"Sara!" Mikasa shouted, catching the other ravenette's attention.

She turned around, meeting my gaze. I sighed in relief to see her alright, but the look she had on her face was as if she's in pain. She turned around again, ignoring us as she maneuvered faster towards the Femalte Titan.

"Oi Wielth!" I called, but she didn't respond. I growled, shrugging it off as the Female titan turned around, swinging her fist on our direction.

Just a meter before it touched me, I quickly grappled my hooks on her outstretched arm and spun around it, slashing every skin as I reached her head.

SLASH! Before I was able to pierce my blades in her eyes, Sara got there first and dug her swords deep.

"Tch." I moved down, slicing her right ankle while Sara took care of the left. The Female Titan slumped down, leaning against the tree while her hands continud protecting her nape.

I grunted, maneuvering towards every tree as I passed by the Female Titan's body, slashing every inch.

I turned to my side, watching Sara do the same. I gazed at her, low key impressed at the way she handled this. She's gotten stronger. A smirk crept up to my face as I continued slicing my blades across the muscle-like skin.



Sara sliced her underarms, making her hands -- that was covering her nape -- fall to the side. I quickly shot towards her mouth, slashing her jaw as it opened to reveal Eren covered in saliva.

"Eren!" yelled Mikasa, quickly taking Eren from the titan's mouth and into her arms as she landed on a nearby tree.

"Retreat now!" I ordered, shotting up to a branch. "We can't cut her out, her nape's crystallize. But our objective is to retrieve Eren, we got him and for now we'll have to retreat."

Mikasa nodded, turning to Eren with teary eyes.

"Where's Wielth?" I asked. I turned around, seeing Sara standing ontop of the Female Titan's nose as she spoke some words as if she was talking to the titan.

What is she doing?

"Wielth get out of there!" I shouted, but she paid no mind. "Wielth! Sara--" My eyes widened as she slumped down to her knees, clutching her stomach. She then faced up to the blue eyes of the Female Titan once again, forcing herself to speak.

I turned to the side as the Female Titan lifted her arm, aiming it towards Sara who was clearly unaware.

Shit! I quickly launched off, shutting everything around me just to get to her. "Sara!" I yelled, getting her attention. I landed harshly on the giant hand--


Crap. I twisted my ankle.

"T-Tch!" I grunted, moving forward despite the pain as I reached for her body and tackled her in my arms, landing harshly on a branch.

She struggled in my grasp, trying to break free. "Captain let go! I need to talk to her!"

"What are you doing!" I growled, "We need to retreat--"

I paused, looking down on my hand as I felt liquid on my palms.

"Blood?" I mumbled, my eyes trailing to where I last held. A large, deep gash ran down the right side of Sara's stomach as blood continued flowing out. "Shit. When did this happen? You're losing too much blood." I said, slightly panicking.

"I'm. . .f-fine. Let me. . .t-talk to her--" Suddenly, her breathing turned ragged as she squeezed her eyes shut, cursing quietly. "It hurts. It hurts. It h-hurts. . ." She mumbled, gripping tightly on my shirt as I held her head closer to my chest.

      "Don't speak," I ordered as I carefully applied pressure on her wound and wrapped a cloth on it for the meantime as she slowly closed her eyes, passing out.

      Why. . .can't I be there in time to protect you?

      "I'm sorry. Sorry for not being able to protect you again." I tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "You'll be fine, Sev." I whispered, staring at her pale, delicate face.

      I carried her bridal style, standing up. "Ackerman! We'll retreat now while she's (Female Titan) unconsicous." Mikasa nodded and landed beside me with Eren strapped on her back.

      I can't hand her to Mikasa, I said in my mind. I quickly shook the thought off and ordered Ackerman to unstrap Eren.

      "How's Sara?" She asked stoicly, but with a slight tint of concern in her voice.

      I face down to the woman I carried, passed out and pale. "I don't know," I replied bluntly and handed Sara to Mikasa. "Carry her, I'll take Eren."

      Mikasa nodded, carefully taking Sara from my arms.

      "Oi be careful with her. She's badly injured." I said flatly and took Eren, then I grappled my hooks and maneuvered back to where the others were with Mikasa following behind.


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