Chapter 16

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"One on the right. Two on the left." I mumbled to myself as I eyed the three titans approaching the building I was standing on.

I heard my squad landing behind me, their heavy footsteps clearly depicts their exhaustion.

      "Sir," Petra spoke, "What are your orders?"

      "Petra, tend to the injured soldier below," I commanded, "Eld, Gunther, take out the one on the right. I'll take care of the left."

      "Sir!" They all said in unison as we parted ways.

I attached both hooks to a certain building as I came slashing the titan. The other one stood in my way, it's smile comparable that big of cheshire cat. I knitted my eyebrows in disgust, throwing both blades straight into its eyes. Then as it went blind I swiftly sliced off its nape and landed gracefully on a roof. "Filthy," I grumbled, wiping my blood stained blade.

"I c-can't stop the bleeding, Captain." Cried Petra as I faced the dying soldier.

"C-C-Captain. . ." he forced himself to speak, raising his hand out for me. "Was I helpful to humanity at all?"

I grabbed his hand despite the blood, "Rest easy, soldier. The reslove that you left behind gave me strength, and with that I can promise you I'll end all titans."

His eyes turned lifeless as he hand grew weak.

"Was he able to hear everything?" I asked.

Petra nodded with tears strolling down her face. "He died with a smile, sir."

I nodded, standing up as I heard the faint noises of hooves approaching my direction. I turned around to see Erwin and the other scouts all saddled in their horses.

"Levi we're falling back," Erwin said.

"Don't you think we can still go forward?" I raised an eyebrow. "Don't tell me my men died for nothing."

Erwin sighed, his face stern and serious. "It was just like 5 years ago, the Colossal Titan appeared then disappeared, destroying the gate. A horde of titans is heading north towards the city now."

"Tch," I got on my black stallion, calling for my squad as we retreated back to the wall.


An hour after Eren came out from the titan's nape, the news spread throughout the Garrisons. They drove us to the corner of the wall, cannons and guns aimed at us threatingly.

      I gritted my teeth as I gripped tightly on my blade, ready to throw one at any soldier who comes near. Mikasa and I stood infront of Armin and Eren with sheathed swords and furrowed eyebrows.

      "He's a monster!" someone shouted.

      I whipped my direction towards him, keeping on my calm face. "Say that again and I'll cut your fingers." I threatened, hearing Eren's groans from behind. "Eren, you're finally awake."

      "Eren!" Mikasa shouted in relief.

      "W-w-why are they pointing their weapons at us?" Eren stuttered in confusion.

      "ARE YOU A TITAN OR HUMAN?" shouted the captain once more.

      "You have alot of explaining to do, titan boy." I said, seeing his eyes widen.

      We waited for a few minutes, waiting for Eren's reply as the tension in the air grew thicker every second.

     What am I doing? Why am I protecting this kid? I'm only here for the mission, not to make friends. Turns out I ended up socializing a bit more than I expected.

     I shook the thought off, turning to Eren.

     "I remember now. . ." he mumbled.

     "Great. Tell them what they wanted to hear," I said calmly.

     "I'LL ASK AGAIN! ARE YOU HUMAN OR TITAN?" shouted the captain impatiently.

      Eren perked up, his eyes still fuming with confusion, but he answered nonetheless. "I'M HUMAN!"

     "I see." He mumbled as he slowly raised his hand for the signal to shoot the cannon.

     "Bastard." I fumed, slowly backing near to the group.



I expected for pain, for an explosion to hit us, but as I slowly opened my eyes, smoke was surrounding us.

     "What. . .happened?" Armin trembled.

     I surveyed my surrounding, seeing only smoke, bones, and muscles hovering above us. It's a skeleton; a titan's skeleton. I swore I heard the cannon go boom, this must be Eren's titan.
"Eren protected us," I stated stoicly, lowering my swords.

      "That's all we need to understand for now," Mikasa added.

      "Guys, are you okay?" Eren yelled from the nape as he cut himself out and landed beside us.

      Mikasa took Eren in her arms, her eyes glassy with relief.


      "Seems like you protected us, Eren," I said as I saw the cannonball caught by the right hand of the skeleton, then it began to shake. "It'll collapse anytime now, what's your plan Eren?" I turned to him, but his face wa somlu full of doubts.

      "Prepare for the next signal!" someone yelled within the group of soldiers.

     "Armin," I said sternly, "We may not know each other well, but I've been around you long enough to notice your wisdom and intelligence, surely you got a plan in mind?"

      "I have two ideas," Eren finally spoke. "Armin, if you can convince the Garrison Regiment that I am no threat, then do it. My last resort is to use my titan ability and escape from here. . .then run to the basement back in Shiganshina?"

      "Idiot," I retorted flatly, "We can use your titan to seal the breached wall."

      "S-Sara's right!" Armin exclaimed.

      If none of this happened, I should be on my way to the Scouts Headquarters right now and would've finish my mission in a week. What a pain.

      I sighed, leaning my back against the bones. "Just pick a choice."

      Armin shook nervously, darting his eyes up and down. "W-what if I make the wrong decision?"

      "Armin," Eren said, "You've saved us with that brain of yours since we were kids, so whatever decision you'll make, I'll respect it."

      "Armin. . ." Mikasa mumbled.

      I raised my eyebrow at the three of them, disgusted yet amazed at such bond. It's been so long since I had friends like that. I do consider the twins and Eric as friends, but the bond I shared with Levi, Isabel, and Farlan were different.

      They'll just leave. This trio will go separate ways too. . .just like us.

      "Alright." Armin stood up confidently, "I'll persuade them without fail. I want you to act as non agressive as possible," he started walking forward, unstrapping his gear and gave us one last glance before disappearing in the smoke.



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