Chapter 9

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I've counted, and I never lost hope. I always believed that Levi would come back for me. Each time I had the oppurtunity to escape the house, first thing I'd always do was to check the trio's home, hoping and praying that one day they'd show up again.

      But it has been one year.

      Face it, Sev. They are never coming back.

      Could it be possible they have been dead by now? Some rumors said so.

      I laid helplessly again, staring at the ceiling of this cursed household. Every part of my body throbbed, it was sore to the point where I haven't moved in weeks.

      It was worse this time. The beatings, the rape, and everything they'd do to my body to satisfy their lust cravings.

      It has never crossed my mind to kill him. I can't bring myself to kill someone, hell with that; I can't even kill myself. I have suffered again the next 378 days since father found me and took me back. I stitched myself, healed myself, and fixed myself when I got the chance.

     Like right now, he's at some nearby bar with his other whores together with his men. I sat up, grabbing the melting ice and rubbed it against my neck full of bruises.

      Then the door slammed open, and his voice boomed, slowly getting closer.

      "Severine, dear," he mocked, entering the room, "I brought more friends with me for you to play with.

      I shook in fear, slowly backing to the corner. I've been living this life for five painful years, but I'll never get used to it, and neither do I want myself to get used to it.

      He entered the room, a pyschotic smile painting the faces of him and his new friends.

      "She's a beauty!" exclaimed the shorter one.

      "Oh, please Gard, it's the family's genes." My father said, grabbing my hands and secured it with a rope.

      Then it's happening again.

      Rugged lips brutally forcing themselves on mines; fingers sliding themselves up and down my legs. I whimpered, but tears aren't anymore falling.

      And I laid there, letting them do whatever they want and I didn't bother to fightback, it was useless.

      Then the door slammed open.

      "Must be more of his men." I thought to myself. But the weight on top of me became lighter and lighter until the man fell to the side.

      "What is happening?" I mumbled, slowly getting up.

      My eyes widened as I saw three individuals attacking the men in the room; stabbing them with knives and killing them cold blood.

      "Levi? Isabel? Farlan?" I muttered, but they got closer, and it wasn't them. There were two boys and one girl, they seem to be a year younger than me.

      The girl stepped forward, sheathing her knife, she had hazel-brown eyes and auburn hair.

      "Sorry we took so long," she said, "Ilyse. Nice to finally meet you, sister."


      "This is Matthew," she pointed to the taller boy who had the same hazel-brown eyes and auburn hair. "He's my twin."

      "You're our half sister through our bastard of a father," Matthew spoke, helping me to my feet. "Ah right, this is Eric, he's a friend of ours and he works with us." He gestured to a taller, attractive brunette with blue eyes.

      "Hello, Severine," said Eric, "we'll be taking you back now to our boss. You'll be taken care of like what she did to us, and you'll be expected to join us."

      I sat dumbfounded and confused and I asked myself: Can I trust these people?

      No, I don't think so. . .but I don't have any other choice, do I?

      I surveyed each dead body on the ground, a total of six men but there was no sign of my father.

      Eric stepped forward, handing me a knife. "You'll take care of him, right?" he said.

      "It's okay to kill, Sev," said Matthew, "he deserves it anyway, I should've killed him when I had the chance."

      K-kill my f-father?

      I slowly backed away, body shaking. My back hits the drawers, I slid open the first and took out a certain dagger and raised it infront of me.

      As they saw me, they got into their fighting stances, ready to attack me.

      "We know you fight well, Sis," said Ilyse, "but I know you freeze when it gets too close."

      "We're just here to help you," Matthew spoke.

      I closed my eyes, suppressing a smirk as I slowly regained my confidence. "Relax, where's father?"


I sighed deeply as the flashback ended, taking a glass of water and my pill, chugging it down my throat. It's been 3 years since my half-siblings recruited me. . .and 4 years since Levi, Isabel, and Farlan left me.

      I scoffed, "Tsk, they're as good as dead by now."

      The door abruptly swung open, Eric stepping in.

      "Boss has another mission for you," he said, arms crossed over his chest.

      "Again?" I raised a brow, "But I just arrived. I haven't even taken a shower yet, filthy blood is still sticking on my skin."

      Eric chuckled lightly opening the door to the shower room. "This will be  a duo mission, Boss assigned me to be your partner. So have your shower, I don't want a blood stenched partner following me around."

      "Then go alone," I retorted, taking my towel and sighed. "Wait for me at the living room, I'll be down in 10."

      "10? That's too long," he said. "And I'm sure Boss doesn't want that."

      I growled lowly, taking him by the collar, pressing his forehead against mine.

      He supressed a smirk and said, "The feel of your skin touching mine sends my heart beating like crazy, Severine. How 'bout you?"

      "You can go fuck yourself," I released him as he laughed, slapping his lap playfully.

      "Still not up for jokes, huh Sev?"

      I ignored his reply, "Boss sends me on a mission, so it's up to me how long or short I'll take as long as I get it done by the end of the day. Right?"

      "Right. Whatever," he said exiting the room.

      I exhaled sharply, facing the mirror. The scars that my father left me were permanent, fortunately the bruises and stitches faded away a few years later.

      If it wasn't for my siblings and Eric, who knows what would've happened to me by now. I took one deep breath and stepped inside the shower.

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