Chapter 30

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I'd be lying if I said her words didn't hurt me even a single bit. I managed to keep a calm demeanor when she explained everything, but it doesn't explain how I was feeling in the inside.

      I sat in the chair of my office, replaying her words.

      "I've forgotten everything about you."

      "I want a life without you; my life's better without you."

      "All I want is to break our ties and forget that were ever friends."

      I growled in frustration, tracing my finger along the cup's brim. She suffered for another year. . .if I saved her then none of that would've happened.

      I balled my fists in anger; angry of myself for letting her gone through all those trauma again -- alone while still hoping that we'd come back.

      I can't blame her for hating me, now I understand why she's been denying her past.

      "Tch." I clicked my tongue as I thought of her hardly explaining about how her father's sexual and violent assaults got worse.

      That explains all her bruises and scars in her face, neck, and limbs. . .how much more her whole body?

      I shook my head, getting my attention back to all the paperworks sitting infront of me.

      "Like I'd listen to what she said," I mumbled, remembering her voice as she talked about us breaking ties. "I'll make you trust me again; I'll bring you back, somehow."


Ever since that night, we didn't face each other eye to eye again. She'll only come to my office if I ask her errands and we only talked it out like a normal stranger and superior relationship.

      It's not a contest of whose pride was bigger, I just simply respect her wishes. . .even if I don't want to.

      It's been a week and a couple of days since then, which leads to the 57th expedition tomorrow. I sat in the chair of Erwin's office inside the old HQ, waiting for the other higher-ups to arrive.

      I looked out the window, watching the cadets giving their all in training for tomorrow's expedition. My eyes scanned for a certain someone within the group of people, until it landed on the shed beside the training grounds.

      Sara had her hands hid behind her back, boredly listening to Hanji.

      "What is Shitty-Glasses telling her now?" I muttered, watching them. Sara rolled her eyes, turning her back against the crazy scientist as she shook her head 'no'. I smirked, then left my gaze outside and faced front.

      "Where's Hanji?" Asked Erwin.

      "She's coming, I think." Squad Leader Dirk said and Erwin nodded.

      A second later, the door bursts open with Hanji panting heavily. She dusted herself, closing the door as she took her seat beside me.

     "Your cadet's really feisty and stubborn," Hanji whispered with a giggle.

      I sighed boredly, "What were you saying to the new cadets again?"

      "Just her. I asked her to help me capture some titans and assisst my experiments." She smiled smugly.

      "No." I replied firmly.

      "That's not your decision Shorty."

      "What did she say then?" I raised a brow.

      Her smile turned into a frown, then she slouched on the table and muffled her reply. "She directly said 'What? No.' I mean, she didn't even think about it!"

      "Tch," I rolled my eyes and returned my attention back to Erwin's discussions and plans.

      For the next few minutes, Erwin was discussing about what needs to be done on tomorrow's expedition; the formations and objectives specifically. An hour later, we were dismissed.

      I made my way towards the door last--


      I stopped in my tracks, sighing as I closed the door shut and turned towards Erwin.

      "Any leads?" He asked.


A few days ago. . .

"Why'd you call me here? I was busy doing paperwork." I said bluntly at Erwin who sat infront of me in his desk.

"Levi, I need you to help me find an old friend." He staid sternly.

I raised my brow, "Right now when the expedition's approaching?"

"No," he replied. "Just try getting some intel about this woman." He handed me an a folder, then I opened it and read a profile.


Occupation - Squad Leader of Squad 3 in the Scouting Brigade
Age - when she joined: 17
Birthday - (unknown)
Height(current) - 5'7
Hometown - (unknown)
Appeareance - blonde hair; green eyes; thin lips; fair skin. . .

I continued reading all the informations written about this Elisa Sakaki, then I turned to Erwin with a puzzled look. "What about her?" I asked boredly.

He cleared his throat and spoke, "She's an old friend of mine, we trained amd joined the Corps together. She's an excellent soldier during that battalion under the 11th commander--"

"That's not what I wanted to hear." I deadpanned.

"Right. She murdered two higher ups--"

"Murdered?" My ears perked up, then I faced him as I knitted my brows.

Erwin nodded then continued, "In short, she betrayed the Survey Corps and ran away after she stole a few confidential documents about the Scouts. She used to tell me she had knowledge about titans and its history, but she she never got to tell me since she ran away."

"So, what are you implying?"

"I want to retrieve those stolen documents, and if she's telling the truth, then she might know about the titans." Erwin said in serious tone.

I tilted my head, sighing in frustration. "Why search for her now when it happened years ago?"

Erwin exhaled sharply and leaned forward. "We thought she was dead when she fled; a squad leader said so. But then I've been receiving reports that a woman that matches the same description was spotted walking around Sina and sometimes in the Underground. I want you to start there."

"Tch." What a pain. "Fine. When am I supposed to start?"

"You can start gathering intel or ask MP's to investigate. If we're lucky, then we'll pursue her after the expeditions or soon. Right now, she's not that important."

I nodded, standing from the chair.


      "No." I replied boredly.

      Erwin nodded, "Let's not focus on that yet. Right now, tell the cadets to rest for tomorrow."

      I nodded, then I exited the office.


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