Chapter 25

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I watched her stormed off back to her room, seeing tears falling from her eyes. She has changed alot, not physically, but both emotionally and mentally.

      I didn't know what caused it; her trauma maybe? The horrific events back in the Underground? The people she killed? If so, it molded her into someone else.

      There must be a reason why she joined the Scouts. There must a reason why she killed people. She's obviously up to something.

      I should've come back for her. One of the biggest regrets in my life was not saving her from that place. The least I could do to fulfill Isabel and Farlan's wishes was to atleast take Severine out of the Undergound.

      And I failed them.

      I failed her. . .

      I sighed hopelessly as I settled myself down in my chair. "I think she hates me," I mumbled to myself, scoffing. "I've no time for that." And I continued my paperworks throughout the whole night.

The next day came faster than I expected. As I continued reading and jotting down my signatures in the papers, the sun peeked out from my window.

      A knock came from my door and I stated my usual phrase, "State your name and business."

      "Petra Ral, sir, and I brought you tea."

      "Come in," I replied flatly as I continued scanning over the papers. Petra entered with a cup of tea in hand, she saluted and placed the cup in my table. I nodded, looking back to my work and waited for the door to shut close.

      But it didn't. I looked up and saw the ginger-haired woman standing nervously infront of me.


      "Not that it's any of my business sir," she cuts me off. "But I don't think we should force Sara to stay in the squad if she doesn't want to."

      "What?" I turned to her coldly.

      "It's hard to work with someone you don't get along with. All of us, except Eren have noticed how uncomfortable and anxious she is with us. I don't know if there's someone she hates within us or something, but it quite offended us to think that she's not acting like a squadmate at all."

      It's me that she hates. I said in my mind. I'm sure of it, and to think hating me could also affect the squad, especially in expeditions. But she's staying on my squad whether she likes it or not. . .it's the easiest possible way I can protect her and get closer to her almost as if we still had that friendship 6 years ago.

      "Has she shown violence towards any of you?" I sighed.

      "No, sir."

      "Then she's staying."

      Petra nodded, walking her way towards the door.

      "Tell her to clean my office after breakfast," I said, receiving a salute from the cadet before she walked out of my office.

An hour later, another knock came from my door.

      "State your name and business," I said boredly, not leaving my eyes off the paperworks.

      "Sara Wielth, I've come to clean your office." A voice grumbled.

      Upon hearing her, I whipped my direction to the door and replied with a 'come in' as I waited for her to enter.
She slowly stepped inside with a bunch of cleaning materials in her hand with her head facing the floor.

      "Start with the bookshelves," I said montonously, leaning on my chair as I laid my jaw on my knuckles.

      She only nodded in response and started putting the books down to dust the shelf. Sev, or should I say Sara, didn't speak a single word nor created the slightest noise as she cleaned.

      I watch her movements closely, not leaving my eyes off her despite continuing paperwork. She has matured differently; her body, hair, her personality. . .

      As I stare at her, I resisted the urge to ask her about how she's been, or how'd she ended up as a criminal; was she doing fine after we left her. . .or will she forgive me for breaking the promise? It's not easy to talk to her now, she's already somebody else.

      To break the silence, I exhaled sharply and spoke coldly. "What happened to you?"

      "What do you mean, sir?" She spoke innocently.

      "Tch. When are you going to stop pretending?"

      "I don't know what your talking about."

      Bullshit. I rubbed my temples in frustration, thinking of something else to get her to speak or atleast let her know that I'm still here. Then something clicked in my mind.

      "Farlan and Isabel are dead," I lowered my head, "Did you know?"

      THUD. She instantly froze as she slumped her knees to the floor.

      The tension grew heavier all of sudden. I sighed and continued talking, "They died on their very first expedition. I wasn't able to protect them; blame me, I'm sorry." I stated stoicly, "The 57th expedition will happen in days, so stick with me throughout the whole expedition. . .I don't want the same thing to happen all over again."

      Silence dominated once again but the only thing I can hear were soft sniffles coming from the woman infront of me.

      She stood up, grabbing the broom. "I'm sorry about that, Heichou. Thanks for sharing, they sound like good people."

      I knitted my eyebrows, suddenly speechless as she continued lying. . .but she wasn't good at those.

      "I'll j-just s-sweep these and. . .all that's left is to mop," she tried to hide her stammering. "Please don't waste your saliva talking to me while I'm cleaning, sir. Thank you."

      I only clicked my tongue in reply as I continued watching her every second. Her face was full of pain than before, her voice was mixed with coldness and fear the first time I heard her speak after 6 years.

      And it brought me to realization that if I'll just sit here and watch her turn into a stranger, the Severine Yaruno I once called friend; someone I admit I once had feelings for--

      But up until now, I still feel different when she's around.

      --will be long gone, and all that's left is Sara Wielth.

      "I'll bring you back," I mumbled to myself quietly, "This time, I'll make promises that I can keep."

      Then the door abruptly swung open with Eren stepping in.

      "Captain Levi!" He saluted, "Section Commander Hanji's two  titan experiments have been killed."

      Tch, it's least I care about.

      "Commander Erwin requests you to come at once," he dropped his salute.

      I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration, bending down to my drawers as I took something out and placed it purposely ontop of my desk.

      "I expect this office to be clean once I get back, got that brat?" I said, walking to the door.

      Sara nodded in response and continued cleaning the corners. Screw these two titans. I sighed, taking one last glance at her then at the object I placed on my desk before closing the door shut.


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