Chapter 49

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It's been two days since she left, leaving me completely confused at why her belongings are still inside her room.

I stared at it intensely, trying to figure something out.

Maybe she left her stuffs on purpose to make it look less suspicious?

But why do I feel like something's not right here?

The last time I spoke to her was two days ago around 12 midnight when she gave me her last goodbye, and when I woke up to check her room hoping to find her still laying in bed, she was gone but with her stuffs still neatly arranged.

I miss her already.

But if this is what she wanted, I'm not stopping her.

And I made her a promise; that I'd find her when all of this is over.

Luckily, the cadets were given a week off while us higher ups will be busy in search of a certain criminal — Elisa Sakaki. I don't have any idea why Erwin's obsessed in finding her when he's not even sure if the documents stolen years ago are still alive.

I sighed in frustration as I took in the vanilla scent that lingered in her room, surveying it once more before closing the door shut.

As I settled back inside my office to continue a few paperworks while waiting for the cadet I sent to find information, I can't help but think of her.

        Is she doing well? Was she able to get her sister out?

         Eric better take care of her. I sighed and continued flipping through the papers.

         Until a crumpled paper disrupted me from my thoughts; a disturbance to my sight. I grabbed it and studied it closely before tossing it to the bin—

Wait, no.

I retracted my hand back and opened the crumpled paper. It was a letter and a small drawing of what looks like a map, addressing to no one in particular.

I got information about the titans. But help us.

          Just two sentences, then I continued reading further and knitted my eyebrows as I examined the drawn map of what seems to be. . .

         "The Underground?"

         Everything was so vague. Information about the titans? That's stupid. Who wrote this? Is this really addressed for me? The corps? And who am I supposed to help?

         But I do have a gut feeling that it's somehow related to Sev.

          "She's fine. She's not in trouble." I grumbled as I reassured myself.

          But what does it have to do with the drawn map of the Underground leading to a specific place?

          I scanned the letter once again, until my eyes landed on the lowest left corner. A four-letter word no bigger than my pinky fingernail was written and it was barely seen, but just enough for me to read what it was.


           "Help us."

          Until it clicked.

           "They're in danger," I mumbled, "Shit. Sev!" Then I bolted from my seat and out of my office to spread the word to Erwin.


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