Chapter 11

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The crowd was boisterous as we, the Scouts, marched through the streets of Wall Maria. We came from an expedition where it cost us many casualties.

      "Such a waste of taxes!" A man shouted from the crowd.

      "It's Captain Levi!" I heard someone squeal from the side. I plastered my usual stoic voice and fell on deaf ears to the crowd.

      "My my Levi," Hanji teased from beside me. "You've earned yourself an admirer, actually they're more than one."

      "Tch," I ignored Shitty-Glasses and the annoying group of girls shouting my name as I continued following Erwin and the rest back to HQ.

I took a sip of my favorite black tea as I overlooked the view below. Sighing deeply, I turned back to the table of higher-ups.

      A year after I was officially recruited as a Scout and have dedicated my life to serving humanity, alots of things changed. Erwin became the Commander of this 13th battalion, the man who I fully trust his judgements.

      A few months after he took over, I became the Captain of the Scouting Legion, and as few years passed by -- killing hundreds of titans and going on intense expeditions -- Erwin told me: "You have proven yourself, Levi."

      And there I earned the title "Humanity's Strongest Soldier."

      I sat down, crossing my leg over the other.

      "How are the injured soldiers, Hanji?" Erwin asked.

      "They're resting in the infirmary," replied Hanji.

      Erwin nodded and pursed his lips. He locked his hands and leaned forward, "You all may know this about me," he started. "I'd do anything to add strength to our regiment, whatever measures we have to take as long as it benefits us in our expeditions and for humanity."

      What is he planning now?

      "I heard numerous reports from the Military Police, and stacks of letters from them over the months, saying that there has been a disturbance in the Underground City." Erwin turned to me, making me tensed up.

      The Underground?

      "A killer runs freely around the city, she has known to kill rapists, drug lords, the biggest murderers, former military even. Or some she would just kill for her own satisfaction. . .yes, she's a big threat to the Military Police and to the walls, but considering her abilities, if we make her an ally and she agrees to join us, then humanity might have a chance."

      "She?" I mumbled quietly just for me to hear. Then I turned to the Commander and spoke, "So what you're implying is that we go Underground and capture her like what you did to us?" I boredly stared at him, waiting for a reply.

      "Yes, Levi. If she disagrees in joining us, the condition is the same; she will be punished for her crimes and will be under the Military Police's custody." Erwin stated, "Considering her records over these past years, she'll most likely be executed. But we won't let such talent go to waste, now would we?"

      That is Erwin Smith; someone who'd do anything for humanity.

      "If she's really that skillfull of a killer, who'll handle her?" Hanji asked.

       "Levi and Mike shall be able to handle her without a problem," replied Erwin. "But if ever she makes a move, inject her with one of those serum of yours that'll knock her unconscious."

      "Tch, I'd kill her if you'd just command," I snorted.

      "That won't happen, Levi. We're bringing her with us." Erwin said. "But we have some sort of problem though, we don't know what she looks like. I only got a few intel from the citizens Underground and the Military Police."

      I raised my eyebrow at him, "We're going after some murderer whose appearance is unknown?"

      Erwin nodded truthfully. "We'll just have to find her while asking some people who might have a clue."

      I stood from my seat, and headed for the door as the conversation was almost over.

      "We'll leave first thing tomorrow and head for the Underground." Erwin spoke.

      I stopped in my tracks, if Erwin doesn't know what she looks like, he must atleast know her name. I turned to him before opening the door, "What's this bitch's name?" I asked boredly.

      "Ah right, I forgot to mention," Erwin said. "Severine Yaruno."


The last place I would want to visit on earth was the Underground. I pulled on my hood as we stood at the entrance of the place.

      It's where I left my past, and now I'm about to enter back.

      As I heard the name Erwin mentioned - Severine Yaruno - it got me awake the whole night. It's been four years since I've heard that name, and hearing it again caused a slight pain in my heart.

      What's bothering me most is that she rose up to be an infamous thug; the top criminal; a mass killer in the Underground.

      What was she doing the whole time when we were away? Did she finally able to bring herself to kill someone when the last time I remembered she never even enjoyed it.

      A millions of questions floated around my mind, but I don't know what to answer. How would I even react when I see her? How will she react after I broke my promise? Will she ask about Isabel and Farlan?

      But what warmed my heart is the thought of hearing her alive, a notorious criminal, but alive.

      My hands shook as I stared down at the filthy steps of the Underground. We halted while we waited since the Military Police was busy entertaining some random person.

      The person in a worn-out cloak  pulls out a roll of cash in his/her pocket, handing it to the guard at the exit.

      That could have been the four us if the three of us weren't captured. I thought to myself, sighing.

      "Levi," Erwin called my attention, telling me it was time to walk inside.

      I had my usual stoic face as I nodded towards him, then I divert my attention to the cloaked person as he/she ambled out of the shadows of the Underground and into the sunlight.

      Then I sighed deeply as I descended down the steps, taking in the nostalgic, horrid sight of the Underground City.

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