Chapter 44

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A/N: I'm really sorry for updating late, I've been very busy lately due to football practices and band practices but I'll be trying to update more often this time! Stay safe, readers!


I hope I won't regret telling him everything. Even the littlest details of my past brought me to where I am today. As I continued narrating my story, I studied his confused-yet-not-surprised expression. It was as he expected it.

       ". . .and they took me in. I work under someone I call Boss since she saved me by sending those three. I'm an assassin, a murderer and a criminal that killed lives." I continued while he listened, crossing his arms. "I had no choice but to obey Boss. It was the only thing I could do to keep me alive. . ."

       I refused to meet his eyes as I talked; only continued facing down on my lap, fiddling my fingers to ease the nervousness.

      ". . .t-then I was sent on a mission. And that mission involved me being here." I mumbled, hearing him click his tongue, then I laid the stolen documents ontop of the desk. "I'm here to steal some documents and. . .kill Erwin."

      There was silence for a few minutes.

      No one spoke a word as the air's tension grew more awkward by every passing second, until Levi lifted his gaze from his pen and faced me with cold eyes.

       I stiffened, ready to hear his reply.

        Then he sighed. "I'm not surprised." He said stoically. "I already knew you were a criminal, but I didn't know you being here was a mission."

"H-how. . ."

"Two years ago, Erwin told us that we're gonna be finding a certain criminal that has been the current threat to both the Underground and the MP's," Levi explained calmly. "That criminal was you."

My eyes widened. "Me? S-so you were looking for me?"

He nodded then continued. "But the people down there told us you died just a few days before we came looking for you. Erwin wanted to take you into custody and make you join the scouts like what he did to me. . .Farlan and Isabel."

"What do you mean 'what he did to me, Farlan and Isabel'?" I asked, really confused at the moment.

He looked away, ignoring my question. "What are you planning to do now? Do you realize you're telling your plans to me? The corporal Erwin entrusted to?"

"That's why I'm telling you this. I'm betraying Boss, but neither am I pledging myself to the scouts. Eric's here for a mission to kidnap Eren for some reasons we don't know, we're not doing it; I'm not killing Erwin and he's not taking Eren. We'll leave the scouts and save my twin siblings then we're planning to start a new life."

       He didn't reply, then he exhaled sharply as he stood from his chair and walked the other way around. Next thing I know he was now standing right infront of me.

      "What are you and Eric?" He said emotionlessly.

       "H-he's just my. . .partner during jobs," I replied unsurely.

       "And you're fleeing away, with him?"

       "With the twins, yes."

       "I see." He mumbled in low voice and stepped closer.

        I then found myself slowly panicking. I stood up, knees trembling at the closeness. What is he doing? Why is he this close? He knows how sensitive I am when someone comes too close or even touches me. . .but his closeness is somewhat making my heart beat faster.

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