Chapter 24

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That bastard.

I gritted my teeth in frustration as I buried my face in my hands. The only thing I loved being here in the Survey Corps was the private room for each cadet. I sat in the decent bed of my room, gripping my hair tightly while I tried steadying my breathing.

"I need my pills. . ." I mumbled.

I embarassed myself enough today. First: I fell infront of the entire brigade during the 3DMG test. Second: LEVI SAVED ME AND SAW ME CRYING. Third: I lost to the guy I swore to defeat and ended up laying traumatized on a dusty ground with everyone watching because he took advantage of my weakness.

But if still knew my weakness, does that mean he still remembers me? Or did he really just do that and I lost out of fear.

Fuck that.

"I can't do this mission without a stable mind."

Then a soft knock came from the door. I walked to it, weakly twisting open the doorknob to see my ginger haired teammate whose name I forgot.

"Hey Sara!" She greeted, "You did great during the fight; you almost beaten the Captain!"

"Thanks uhh. . ." What was her name?

"I won't keep you long," she handed out an envelope. "A mail for you! And Captain Levi told me that you don't have to clean his office today, you can do it tomorrow. You're lucky; Heichou has never considered postponing a cleaning duty."

I raised a brow at her, nodding as I slowly slammed the door shut before she was able to say another word. I ripped open the envelope, taking out a letter which had a familiar sign on it.

"It's from Eric. . ." I mumbled and unfolded the paper, carefully reading the words.


There has been a change of plans. The twins and I have made it to the surface just yesterday and don't worry, Boss received your letter concerning your pills. I have a bottle with me right now, I can't deliver it to you in the headquarters since it came from the blackmarket and it's illegal, so I want you to meet us later 11pm at a certain address written below. Meet us there and we'll have to talk about this new plan and you get to have your pills.

See you.

Yours truly,


My eyes continued reading further as I read the specific address written for the rendezvous place. A wave of relief washed over me, thinking that I get to have my pills and I can finally see the trio after 2 long years.

"I'll just steal the documents tomorrow then," I mumbled, "But how am I gonna sneak out of here at 11pm?" I surveyed my surroundings, sighing in defeat to see not even one window in my room.

Who the does not put windows in rooms?

"Crap. I guess I just have to find an easier exit downstairs."

A few hours passed by. I sat beside Eren in the table of the cafeteria as it was already lunch. I've been silent the whole time, only nodding and humming in response whenever someone tries to talk to me.

My eyes scanned every possible exit; the window or doors, every hallway or every room. I'm sure that all doors will be locked, so that leaves me to the only window by the right side of the room.

It's settled. Tonight at 11pm, I'll have to sneak out through that window and meet up with the trio.

"She proved it Oluo!" Eren bragged. "She's way stronger than you!"

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