Road Bumps

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Credits to: Read More Write Hard (

Summary: After finding out that his girlfriend is pregnant, Sweet Pea decides to take her away from the dangers of Riverdale for a little while. Missing scene to where Sweet Pea was during the end of season 3 and beginning of season 4

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" You asked for the millionth time as you sat across from Sweet Pea at a small dinner in a rural part of Pennsylvania. "With all that's going on in Riverdale-"

"That's exactly why we needed to leave." He said seriously. "There's too much drama there right now. We need to get away for awhile. Especially with the condition you're in. I'm not risking your lives by staying in a town infested with mysterious seizures and drugged up rival gangsters."

You let out a sigh, picking at your basket of fries. You hadn't had much appetite the past couple of weeks. "My condition is exactly why we shouldn't be travelling the countryside right now. We should be saving money! I told you I could have just taken out a loan and gotten it taken care of..."

Sweet Pea reached out, putting a steady hand on top of your shaking one. "Y/N, I know this is hard but we agreed not to do that. If you've changed your mind then I'll support you, but I don't want you to do it unless you're absolutely sure."

You withdrew your hand from his and hid it on your lap. "I don't know what I want. It all just happened so fast. I haven't had time to process anything."

He sighed, wishing you would stop pulling away from him constantly. He went back to eating his food slowly. "Coming out here will give you time to think about it. Plus you told me countless times how you always wanted to road trip coast to coast. This might be your last chance for a while."

A small smile formed on your lips, "you're right, thank you, babe." You leaned in for a quick kiss before going back to eating.

A week prior Sweet Pea had insisted that the two of you go on a road trip. Even though it was towards the end of Junior year, he said it wouldn't matter since most of the time neither of you went to school anyway. You could always retake it the following year which didn't seem so bad right now.

After many nights of not-so-careful screwing, you had wound up pregnant with only one possibility for the father. Sweet Pea was taking it amazingly well. You had expected him to punch a wall or make you leave or demand you get an abortion, but he did none of those things. Instead he sat in stunned silence for what felt like hours.

Eventually, when he did speak, he asked what you wanted to do. You didn't know as you were still wrapping your head around the whole thing. You had suffered from a bad seizure months before and there was still no real explanation as to what caused it. Plus with increasing tensions mounting between the serpents and the gargoyles, Sweet Pea felt that Riverdale was no longer a safe place for you. Either of you. He wanted nothing more to protect you until you came to a decision.

You kept in contact with your friends back home as little as possible. It was too soon to tell them what was going on. Rumors flew by so quickly in the small town that you didn't want to be known as the highschooler that got knocked up by a serpent. There were worse things to be said about you, sure, but it was still a sensitive subject. You weren't even showing yet but who knew how long that would last.

"How does this spot look, princess?" Sweet Pea asked as he walked around a clearing in the small wooded area you had parked near. You had been camping out most nights, enjoying the sounds of nature with nothing to keep you warm but your boyfriend and your shared sleeping bag. It was nice, peaceful, and much less stressful than home.

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