Bitter Love - Part 3/3

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Credits to: In Your Wildest Dreams (

Chapter 3: Forced Love

You remember nights riding on the back of Sweet Pea's motorcycle like it was yesterday. You could feel the wind in your hair and you felt effortlessly free. Your arms would be wrapped around his torso and he would speed up just feel truly alive. The two of you would race the moon in the sky and lay under the stars.

Tonight, however, is nothing like the carefree romps you used to have with Sweet Pea under the light of the full moon. Tonight, the air is filled with gunshots instead of stars and as Fangs reaches back and pushes you down into the floorboard you can feel yourself shaking with fear. The roar of engines echo in your ears and you can hear Fangs swear from his position in the driver's seat. The SUV swerves to one side and almost off the road. You pitch forward and brace yourself on the interior of the door. You yelp as someone hits the vehicle from behind making the car pitch forward and a grunt from Fangs as he slams into the steering wheel. By some miracle he keeps the car in the road. The sound of motorcycle engines cut violently through the air and more gunshots are added to the fray. You hear the sound of a crash from behind you and the SUV slows down before coming to a stop. The passengers side door is yanked open and you look up into the concerned eyes of Sweet Pea.

"You okay baby?" he asks as he runs his fingers through your hair.

You nod shakily as you pull yourself from where you were wedged between the two seats.

"Where are we going?" you whimper.

"Away from here... Just the three of us."

"Just the three of us?"

"I don't trust anyone else right now. They shouldn't have been able to find us."

You just nod as you sit yourself back into the back seat. You're cold from the wet towel around your prone form and your wet hair. Your shivering becomes worse than ever before, but the three of you have to get out of here.

Eventually, you're lulled to sleep by the sound of the engine and silence that engulfs the car.

It's a couple of hours later when you wake up strapped to a chair in a dark room. You're confused and disoriented, especially since the last thing you remember is being the back seat of a car with Fangs and Sweet Pea up front.

"I see you're finally awake..." you hear a voice from the shadows and squint to see who spoke to you.

A woman walks into the light of the single solitary bulb dangling from the ceiling.

You vaguely wonder to yourself if this scene could get any more clique...

"Who are you?" you ask your voice sounding stronger than you thought it would.

"That doesn't matter..."

"Why not?"

She gives you a smile like you would a small a child who asks questions you have no intention of answering. Mostly because they wouldn't understand anyway.

"It just doesn't," she bites back.

"I don't understand... What happened?"

Her smile is venom as she answers, "We need...The Serpents. They have become big players in a very dangerous game. Virtually untouchable. Except," she purrs, "for one little detail. The woman that the illusterous Sweet Pea loves. It's all very... poetic...and sad. He's still very much in love with you... And if he's in love with you... he can't be in love with me..."

"So, you love him?"

She pauses and just laughs at you, "Oh! How funny! Of course not! I just need him... And I can't have him if he wants you..." She hisses, "It's... nothing personal...just business."

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