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Credits to: Read More Write Hard (


A soft groan sounded in the dark bedroom as heavy eyelids fluttered open. The blonde princess looked around in the darkness, disoriented and confused. This sure felt like her bed, but she didn't remember falling asleep here. She also didn't recall a warm body lying next to her. Panic raced through her like one of her prized horses as she felt over a hard chest clad in soft material. Who the hell was in her bed?!

The body let out a deep huff of annoyance as she started shoving him to get him away from her. He simply rolled over in protest so that his back was to her before taking in a deep breath and letting it back out.

Shanna reached over and cut on the lamp on her bedside table, the dim light illuminating both her and the stranger. Her eyes went to the dark head of hair that was sticking in every which direction. "Sweet Pea?" She asked, confused as to why he was laying with her. She vaguely remembered falling asleep against him in the stable, however there was still light outside when she ran into him. Had she really slept until sundown?

He didn't respond to her, still obviously asleep. Had he stayed here the whole time? Didn't he have work to do for their fathers? Still, it was a little heartwarming to think that he'd taken care of her. She had actually been able to sleep solidly and had felt safe with him nearby.

The heir let out a small, frustrated sigh. Why couldn't things have worked out the other way around? Where Jughead was the one here with her instead of Sweet Pea. It wasn't that she had any romantic feelings towards the crown prince but it would have made things a lot easier. For one, whoever was blackmailing her wouldn't have any leverage over her.

Her eyes caught sight of a thin slip of white paper sitting just under the door frame that led to the hallway. She slipped out of bed carefully as her heart pounded. The muscles in her chest contracted as she picked it up to read it.

Dear Royal Slut, give me the crown or I will tell everyone during the wedding what you've done.

She knew then. She knew exactly who it was that had spotted them. Her stomach tightened with the same intensity as her chest. Shanna quickly rushed back over to Sweet Pea's side, shaking him hard in an attempt to wake him up. She called his name out once more.

An annoyed look crossed the once peaceful prince's face before his eyes opened to see Shanna's frantic expression. He sat up in the bed, feeling almost as disoriented as she had when she woke up. "You should be resting," he chastised her groggily.

"I know who it is. I know who sent it. He sent another." Shanna said, showing the note to him. Sweet Pea grabbed it to examine the letter. His confused expression turned angry when he read the insult.

"Who is it?" Sweet Pea asked in a voice that sounded with murderous intent. The notion that he needed to protect her at all costs rose within him. She was the future queen of both of their kingdoms. He would not tolerate someone demeaning her like this.

Shanna wasn't sure if she should tell him or not. What would he do to him? She bit her lip anxiously as he stared at her, waiting for an answer. After a moment of silence he started to get frustrated, "Shanna, tell me."

She sat down on the bed next to his legs and sighed. "Marquess Mantle." She whispered. "Something happened...before the alliance...where I might have told him that I could make him king. But then I found out he was just using me to get to the throne so I called it off. He's been out for blood ever since."

Sweet Peas gaze softened just a fraction at the sight of her face falling in shame. It wasn't difficult to figure out that she had been with him previously. Obviously that was why she promised the crown. "He was your first."

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