Prove it

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Credits to: lost in my mind (

Summary: You and your boyfriend Sweet Pea like making each other jealous, and Fangs always seems to get caught up in the drama.

You leaned back on the bar with a grumpy sigh. Your gaze was fixed on the opposite corner of the bar where your boyfriend and Jughead were playing pool.

"Jeez, what's gotten into you?" Toni asked, grabbing your empty cup and replacing it with a fresh one.

"Look." You nodded at the scene unfolding.

"Oh." She leaned across the bar to look closer. "Is that Stacey Silverson?"

"The one and only."

"And she is all over Sweet Pea." She smirked. "What, Y/N, a little jealous?"

"What would I be jealous?" You snapped. "We've been dating for years—if he wanted to get with Silverson, he's had plenty of chances."

"Then why are you so grumpy?"

"I'm not grumpy." Even you could hear the edge in your voice. You had rolled past grumpy into full-blow pissed off.

"Maybe, like, go over there," she suggested. "People are almost as scared of you as they are of Sweet Pea, sometimes even more."

You rolled your eyes. You had a bit of a reputation within the Serpents—it was what initially drew Sweet Pea to you. Sure, you didn't have quite the same brute strength as him, but anyone with a brain knew that didn't make you any less threatening.

"I'm not going to go scare some girl off my boyfriend like I'm some sort of territorial dog. All I need is Pea giving me a lecture on how I need to trust him more."

"Since when does Sweet Pea lecture?"

"Okay, more like he kisses me until I shut up."

She snickered. "Ah, you know it's love when you don't even need words to communicate. It's like you two have telepathic genitals."

Rolling your eyes, I took a big sip of the drink she brought you and cringed. "Damn, Toni, you couldn't have given me one step up? The rail whiskey here's trash."

"But it gets you trashed, and that's all that matters." She grinned, her brown eyes sparkling.

You rolled your eyes again and switched your focus back to Sweet Pea and Stacey. He was laughing at a joke she made, and she was leaning onto the pool table, giving everyone in the vicinity a clear look down her shirt. "I can't watch this," you groan. You looked around the bar, a new plan formulating.

"I don't like that look in your eyes, Y/N," Toni said. "That's the look that got us stranded in Queens with nothing but two dollars, a stack of business cards for a hooker, and a male stripper dressed as Mickey Mouse the night after graduation."

You snorted with laughter at the memory. "That was a series of bad decisions that led us to that point. Tonight, I only plan to make one bad decision."

"And what's that?"

"Fangs." You started walking as Toni called after you. "Y/N, wait, that is a terrible idea—you can't–" She cut off with a groan. "You're going to get him killed!"

Smirking, you made your way to the end of the bar where Fangs was chatting up some preppy-looking blond guy.

"Beat it, Ken doll," you said, walking up behind him.

The blond's eyes widened when he saw the look in your eyes. "I—uh—call me."

Fangs nodded, rolling his eyes at me as the guy scurried away. "What the hell, Y/N? I was this close to getting him home tonight."

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