Read this :)

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I'm proud of you!

Very very proud :)

Wanna know why?

Because your up! Your reading this! Your breathing and thinking

If your out of bed I'm proud of you :)

If you showered, didn't self harm (even if you've had thoughts), ate, drank something or just simply woke up

I'm so so so proud of you

And you wanna know what?

You are so loved and so worth it

There are so many people that don't deserve you

So today I want you to try and smile!

And if you can't do that, it's ok I understand :)

Try and look after yourself for me ok?

Because your amazing and precious and you need to keep yourself going because your doing amazingly!

But ally why should I keep going?

Well as they say..

Don't give up until you've finished your shampoo and conditioner at the same time

Don't give up until you've got a job and are happy with it

Dont give up untill you find the love of your life

Don't give up for another day

Because imagine if I'm those 24 hours you find another reason to stay alive? Or just survive?

I can promise you that you are loved

And if you ever need to talk please talk to someone

Your loved :)

Take care of yourself and have a good morning/day/evening/night

(My dms are always open if you ever wanna talk :)

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