I have a hero whenever i need one.. myself..

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The sunlit sky floods through the blinds

Shines down on the innocent tear stained face

The music fills their ears as soft lyrics are mumbled out

What is this?

An emotionless day

Filled with unspoken words

No emotions are felt but all are overwhelming at the same time

Like being on an over drive

Aware of every small step and creak of the barred he'll they call home

Words echo through their head

Empty lyrics bring emotion into light and make unspoken people feel comforted

It doesn't stop there

The tapping of soft rain on the glass drowned out by the music

Saying hello, making people aware that it's still there

Wether it's sunlit sad days or stormy sad days they are sad days nonetheless

Running on 5% with a broken charger

But you push through, divide your percent

Music to drown it out?

Writing to let it go?

Games to distract you?

Whatever you chose it's your choice

Your chest rose and fell

Your eyes opened and closed

You made the choice

The soft feeling of soap comforting your sore hands

Hot water easing your tiredly fought out muscles

Every step you take, feel everything.

The carpet under your feet

You hair that falls softly over your shoulders

The comfortable jumper that was lazily slipped on but provides security and confidence

Your soft hands that write emotions into existence

I feel all of it

You can push through this, remember the things you like, remember the feelings, take your time.

Everything you don't feel now won't overwhelm you, your going to be okay and your strong you just need to remember your love and you'll be alright.

You can survive

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