Just thoughts

5 1 0

I like who I'm becoming

But I don't

I'm learning to shut up

If nobody's asked don't say it

If somebody wants something then they can have it even if it means compromising recovery

It sounds unhealthy I know

But I don't care

But at the same time I've become more violent

The ideas in my head aren't normal

And I really think it's getting to me

It's awful

And I'm gunna end up hurting someone

But until then I just don't say anything

Apart from the people I talk to daily that read this

I think I've got it covered

Just convince everyone I'm fine until I get back into a routine

Then I can go Independent

And yeah that's harsh to ditch my friends..

I wouldn't be ditching them

It would just be.. spending more time alone

More time away from everything

And I'll go on more walks alone in the mini woods-

More time away from the flat

With all the memories

And the reminders

I cannot wait to get a house or something

To escape this all

And as for the unnormal thoughts

It's nothing fake blood and self harm can't solve..

Fuck me am I far gone..

But as I always say at the end of the chapters

Nobody cares :)

Nobody asked :)

And nobody will ask :)

Diary? Idk.. Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz